Lieberman & Bennett Sexually Fantasize


...about Hillary Clinton. Lieberman has finally come completely out of the closet.

Here is republican porn people, this is what gets it up for them. The gruesome deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. And, for some strange reason, pearls.

On right-winger Bill Bennett’s radio show this morning, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) expressed his openess to bombing Iran, saying that there is “an appeal to it.” Discussing the West Virginia primary results, Bennett praised what he claimed was Sen. Hillary Clinton’s (D-NY) transformation into his “style” of politician, which he said is someone who “throws down a shot of liquor and bombs Iran.”

Lieberman whole-heartedly endorsed the “appeal” of the hawkish caricature Bennett had created:

BENNETT: Listen, I give her credit. She has found her…three things. She’s found her voice. He is very much in the background now, it’s not this, you know, ventriloquial thing, it’s definitely her voice.

LIEBERMAN: That’s true.

BENNETT: And Joe, you know, this is my style. This is a girl who puts on her pearls, goes down, throws down a shot of liquor and bombs Iran, you know. This is…lookout Mrs. Bennett, this is my kind of girl.

LIEBERMAN: Hehehe, it does have an appeal to it.
It's amazing how much I can't stand Lieberman now. "It does have an appeal to it"...c'mon! What happened to that guy? He does all of this self-righteous posturing for Bush's war, follows McCain around like a little lapdog, sells his soul to win an election as an independent & gloats as Dems try to suck up to him for his vote....the guy turns my stomach now.

Bennett, I don't care about; I already saw him as basically evil. But to think I once pulled a lever for a ticket w/ Joementum's name on it....(cringe)...
It's amazing how much I can't stand Lieberman now. "It does have an appeal to it"...c'mon! What happened to that guy? He does all of this self-righteous posturing for Bush's war, follows McCain around like a little lapdog, sells his soul to win an election as an independent & gloats as Dems try to suck up to him for his vote....the guy turns my stomach now.

Bennett, I don't care about; I already saw him as basically evil. But to think I once pulled a lever for a ticket w/ Joementum's name on it....(cringe)...

I know, it’s like a bad flashback. I try and push it out of my mind. I never cared for the guy. I thought he took a total dive in the VP debates against Cheney, I was so pissed. But I had no idea how horrible he was, and I pulled that same lever.
Too much voting, just another way to add more money to a system already purchased.

Just vote for 4 , 2 from each party, Each voter can vote for 2 of the four. the one with the most votes is pres and the one with second amouunt of votes is VP. The 2 losers blow their brains out since we don't want them back any more.
Just vote for 4 , 2 from each party, Each voter can vote for 2 of the four. the one with the most votes is pres and the one with second amouunt of votes is VP. The 2 losers blow their brains out since we don't want them back any more.

Minus the suicides, that's how we did it originally in the EC.
...about Hillary Clinton. Lieberman has finally come completely out of the closet.

Here is republican porn people, this is what gets it up for them. The gruesome deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. And, for some strange reason, pearls.

On right-winger Bill Bennett’s radio show this morning, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) expressed his openess to bombing Iran, saying that there is “an appeal to it.” Discussing the West Virginia primary results, Bennett praised what he claimed was Sen. Hillary Clinton’s (D-NY) transformation into his “style” of politician, which he said is someone who “throws down a shot of liquor and bombs Iran.”

Lieberman whole-heartedly endorsed the “appeal” of the hawkish caricature Bennett had created:

BENNETT: Listen, I give her credit. She has found her…three things. She’s found her voice. He is very much in the background now, it’s not this, you know, ventriloquial thing, it’s definitely her voice.

LIEBERMAN: That’s true.

BENNETT: And Joe, you know, this is my style. This is a girl who puts on her pearls, goes down, throws down a shot of liquor and bombs Iran, you know. This is…lookout Mrs. Bennett, this is my kind of girl.

LIEBERMAN: Hehehe, it does have an appeal to it.

The Democratic party lets its members get away with far too much. There needs to be some discipline here. He needs to know that he's worthless. He needs to be stripped of his leadership post in the committee, and if he ever says any shit like this again, he needs to be kicked out of committee entirely and out of the caucus.