Lin bias Main Stream Media trying to make up with US until Next Election


Verified User
All during the recent election the Liberal biased main stream media did everything they could to "defeet" Mitt Romney, bordering on illegality in my humble opinion. They even poured cold water all over BenghaziGate, by not reporting the facts up front during the investigation. After the election, they are now trying to act normal again, even criticizing Obama, but it is all fake. They are just trying to make amends with the American People who voted for Romney. You take away the illegal Alien Latino vote and the 97% prejudiced Black vote and Romney wins, not take it away, just a 60-40 vote...Obama/Romney. Why should we reward them for being prejudiced against Mitt Romney, by legalizing their cheating asses? If we keep the House, and regain the Senate, watch out in 2016, the chickens will be coming home to roost, and they might just crap on a few Lefty Heads. The Left biased main stream media will pull the same biased trickery reporting again in the next election, and the next and the next. After that they will do what they are doing now, trying to look like real newscasters, but they aren't and never will be, because they hate Conservatives, ask John King of CNN? You Libs out there know that I am Right On!!!
All during the recent election the Liberal biased main stream media did everything they could to "defeet" Mitt Romney, bordering on illegality in my humble opinion. They even poured cold water all over BenghaziGate, by not reporting the facts up front during the investigation. After the election, they are now trying to act normal again, even criticizing Obama, but it is all fake. They are just trying to make amends with the American People who voted for Romney. You take away the illegal Alien Latino vote and the 97% prejudiced Black vote and Romney wins, not take it away, just a 60-40 vote...Obama/Romney. Why should we reward them for being prejudiced against Mitt Romney, by legalizing their cheating asses? If we keep the House, and regain the Senate, watch out in 2016, the chickens will be coming home to roost, and they might just crap on a few Lefty Heads. The Left biased main stream media will pull the same biased trickery reporting again in the next election, and the next and the next. After that they will do what they are doing now, trying to look like real newscasters, but they aren't and never will be, because they hate Conservatives, ask John King of CNN? You Libs out there know that I am Right On!!!
Before all the Nit-picking FORUM Libs caN try to slander me, I will correct my post title: "LIB" bias Main Stream Media trying to make up with US until Next Electio"
I get the best of most of these Forum Libs so much that they have designated Lib inspecters who "PROOF READ" my every post trying their best to put me down, because I am usually RIGHT. Zappy is one of their Lap Dogs, who's leash they yank on, especially if he is at McDonalds eating those triple Big Macs, with double fries and a large soda....LOL
my goodness... you certainly have a vaunted opinion of yourself.
Naturally any Yellow Dog Demo would say something like that, especially when the truth would set them free. Folks a Yellow Dog Democrat will only vote for a Democrat, even if it was a yellow dog running, unlike a Reagan Democrat who had some common sense. I would bet that you are constipated, that was a problem with Radical Leftists Libs on the old Board, always complaining about HungChow. By the way, your user name is wrong because I am the Main Man here.....TOUCHE'
Naturally any Yellow Dog Demo would say something like that, especially when the truth would set them free. Folks a Yellow Dog Democrat will only vote for a Democrat, even if it was a yellow dog running, unlike a Reagan Democrat who had some common sense. I would bet that you are constipated, that was a problem with Radical Leftists Libs on the old Board, always complaining about HungChow. By the way, your user name is wrong because I am the Main Man here.....TOUCHE'

Lol....especially in this thread... three out of five posts....and you quoted yourself....masturbate much?
Lol....especially in this thread... three out of five posts....and you quoted yourself....masturbate much?
Don't ask me, ask your Lib butt buddies. I get more replies than you, Zappy, Howey Darla and Rana combined, and that is why I am so full of myself, kind of like Muhammed Ali, "I must be good." Next good shooter, LeadPlate has done run out of bullets, and is now shooting blanks....OmyAss
Don't ask me, ask your Lib butt buddies. I get more replies than you, Zappy, Howey Darla and Rana combined, and that is why I am so full of myself, kind of like Muhammed Ali, "I must be good." Next good shooter, LeadPlate has done run out of bullets, and is now shooting blanks....OmyAss

And he's modest too.:cool:
And he's modest too.:cool:
Folks, I am now adding LeadPlate here to my list of neutered has-beens. See how he does not argue with me on anything, he just kind of folds up and capitulates. I had this happen among many Libs on the old Board, and I called these Libs, Eunuchs. I used to Cyber Lobotomize Libs on the old Board, just as I have done with LeadPlate here, the cat has gets their tongues, so they give up, because they cannot win. A good example is Zappy, who I probably should declare on my Tax report, because I consider the brainwashed Zappy as personal Property, my foot slave....LOL
conservative morons with overinflated egos are the perfect comic relief compliment to my Sunday morning Bloody Maria! Good times... good times.
Folks, I am now adding LeadPlate here to my list of neutered has-beens. See how he does not argue with me on anything, he just kind of folds up and capitulates. I had this happen among many Libs on the old Board, and I called these Libs, Eunuchs. I used to Cyber Lobotomize Libs on the old Board, just as I have done with LeadPlate here, the cat has gets their tongues, so they give up, because they cannot win. A good example is Zappy, who I probably should declare on my Tax report, because I consider the brainwashed Zappy as personal Property, my foot slave....LOL

Flattery? Pshaw....

Coming from you? Those are blush worthy compliments.
Don't ask me, ask your Lib butt buddies. I get more replies than you, Zappy, Howey Darla and Rana combined, and that is why I am so full of myself, kind of like Muhammed Ali, "I must be good." Next good shooter, LeadPlate has done run out of bullets, and is now shooting blanks....OmyAss

It's axiomatic.

If it's an SJJR post...then it's just one lie after another!

FULLY HALF the posts in this thread were from Mr Rape Fantasy before I posted...he's nothing but a legend in his own mind.
All during the recent election the Liberal biased main stream media did everything they could to "defeet" Mitt Romney, bordering on illegality in my humble opinion. They even poured cold water all over BenghaziGate, by not reporting the facts up front during the investigation. After the election, they are now trying to act normal again, even criticizing Obama, but it is all fake. They are just trying to make amends with the American People who voted for Romney. You take away the illegal Alien Latino vote and the 97% prejudiced Black vote and Romney wins, not take it away, just a 60-40 vote...Obama/Romney. Why should we reward them for being prejudiced against Mitt Romney, by legalizing their cheating asses? If we keep the House, and regain the Senate, watch out in 2016, the chickens will be coming home to roost, and they might just crap on a few Lefty Heads. The Left biased main stream media will pull the same biased trickery reporting again in the next election, and the next and the next. After that they will do what they are doing now, trying to look like real newscasters, but they aren't and never will be, because they hate Conservatives, ask John King of CNN? You Libs out there know that I am Right On!!!

I see you get pleasure out of kicking the mental midgets. It is highly addictive but one must pull back some so as to be able to enjoy it all the more in the future. A prudent limitation of the number of volleys fired and caliber of the ammo is advised.
For they tend to not be wise about burying their cyber dead and just letting the rotting corpses stink up the place.:rofl2:
It's axiomatic.

If it's an SJJR post...then it's just one lie after another!

FULLY HALF the posts in this thread were from Mr Rape Fantasy before I posted...he's nothing but a legend in his own mind.
That one half-ass post that you submitted recently had just a few replies until I challenged your cohors to get up off their asses and help you with replies and then they came out of the woodwork to feebly try to support your post, all thanks to me. Folks, way back, Zappy and I had a Board popularity contest with tabulated votes and sheet and I won hands down, almost 2 to 1 in my flavor. You see how fast Zappy answered this, it was because he follows me all over this Board. I went to my SJJRSJJS Personal Webpage on this Forum yesterday and there was Zappy, he was listed as the last visitor to my webpage. He basically stalks me, but naturally I would not stoop so low as to report him or try to have him booted off like some might, I has scruples. That other dimwit "The Dude" acted very much liker Zappy here, and look what happened to the fool. All this rape sheet is some moore Typical Zappy Crappy BS and Zappy needs to produce some proof or get off the poop pot.