Live Topic


Staff member
Okay, new option that is currently working.

You can see "Live Topic" next to some of the threads.

When a thread is a "Live Topic" you can use the quick reply function and the thread will self-update so you don't have to constantly refresh the page to get new posts. If you want to quote a post, click the quick response at the bottom of the post and put in the checkmark for quoting.

Live topic will not work with the video embedding mod I had working so I have made it so that Whatever goes is the only forum you can use the video embedding. This means that Whatever Goes is the only forum that Live Topic will not work on.

Videos will no longer embed in any forum except the Whatever Goes area.
For the time being I have added the [ youtube ] BB code to embed some videos onto the other fora.
I don't know. I've noticed.

Extra busy yesterday, silence today. I always wonder if something big is happening that I am missing.
I don't know. I've noticed.

Extra busy yesterday, silence today. I always wonder if something big is happening that I am missing.

Yeah me too. It was packed in here yesterday. I always wonder if it's something I said. My bf always says that I think everything is about me, and I guess it's really true. It will probably be busy next week for the inauguration. I'm leaving Saturday morning for that. You had to stay 3 nights in order to get a room at all. I'm excited. It's going to be very cold though.
Yeah me too. It was packed in here yesterday. I always wonder if it's something I said. My bf always says that I think everything is about me, and I guess it's really true. It will probably be busy next week for the inauguration. I'm leaving Saturday morning for that. You had to stay 3 nights in order to get a room at all. I'm excited. It's going to be very cold though.

I've been to three swearing in ceremonies this year for people I helped to get elected.

It's kinda cool.

I've also been appointed as the liaison for our State Rep's office to our County seat. I get to work in the Capital and keep active politically in my area. Later one promises to help with my own fundraising efforts if I run.

I've been to three swearing in ceremonies this year for people I helped to get elected.

It's kinda cool.

I've also been appointed as the liaison for our State Rep's office to our County seat. I get to work in the Capital and keep active politically in my area. Later one promises to help with my own fundraising efforts if I run.

Oh that's great Damo.
Since nobody seems to use this feature, I am turning it off and reinstating the automatic video links.