LOL - NYPD paid to walk Rudy's Mistress's doggy

NYPD Chauffeured Giuliani's Mistress On Long Trips, Walked Her Dog

Can you imagine if this had been the Clintons?

Its bad either way Cypress. I remember a certain poster here suggesting that us Ron Paul supporters should shut our traps about the media. Perhaps that certain poster should refrain from speculating.

Sorry guys. At some point you're going to have to stop blaming the mainstream media, and start asking your selves why, after 50 years and now a lavishly funded candidate, libertarian theology never polls out of the single digits.

Rudy isn't the president, and this scandal is just now breaking. If you remember, the Clinton scandals didn't break overnight either. Your "I Heart Democrats" underwear is showing.

Politicians suck. They're filthy fucknuts, and to make a compartive difference into a justification (Guliani's a dick, but they would have made Clinton look like an even bigger dick!!! LOL!1!) is to goose step with the bullshit that makes politics unpalatable with the public to begin with.
Its bad either way Cypress. I remember a certain poster here suggesting that us Ron Paul supporters should shut our traps about the media. Perhaps that certain poster should refrain from speculating.

Rudy isn't the president, and this scandal is just now breaking. If you remember, the Clinton scandals didn't break overnight either. Your "I Heart Democrats" underwear is showing.

Politicians suck. They're filthy fucknuts, and to make a compartive difference into a justification (Guliani's a dick, but they would have made Clinton look like an even bigger dick!!! LOL!1!) is to goose step with the bullshit that makes politics unpalatable with the public to begin with.

I think there are some good politicians Beefy, and I don't think partazanship has anything to do with the motavations of a politician, as far a s corruption goes. I think your right, and IMO, I think Ron Paul is the closest to what we need, so our citizens can take their god given talents to the American dream they usued to have.

The Bottom line Beefy---We are forced to select rich c-suckers that don't really care about us. We are forced to select people from one tiny segment of the population, that can not possibly represent the whole population accruratly. We need to change the way we vote, so others from the population have a fair shot of winning---and get rid of contributions that open the door for almost all governmental corruption. All we have to do is change the way we run for office, and vote---that is all we have to do. Time will fix the rest.

I don't have anything against being rich by earning it yourself--but lets face it. Getting rich is a mentality. A mentality that lottery winners don't have. It is not human nature to have that mentality, and to think of other people of a lower class (everybody else) before yourself. Ya think I am mistaken? Who is in your country club? (nothing wrong with clubs of shared interest---just evidence of a mentality of not accepting other people's interest------ours--lol).

I don't think there are a lot of evil people in our offices. I think it is just a natural progression of humans (no matter what country) that gain wealth and power----to rule you below them. So---what happens when all we can choose is people with that mentality?--over and over and over and over again? Loss of freedom, and many peoples chance of the American dream. It is the people that made this country great--not the elected officials. Where are we getting our elected officials from? I have said---we might as well outsource our elected officials. We would save a lot of money, and they are not really working for us anyway. :) (kidding).

Ya know what? For the green crowd, this could be huge times of effective (the hard part of being green) more green energy. The demand is there, and people are even willing to spend more money if they feel they are saving the planet. But, all the sharp people, sharp tax paying citizens----can't afford to make a stinking prototype!!!! People make a country great---not it's politicians.

All we need to do is change the way we run for office, and the way we vote, to make it equally fair (not rigged like it is now) and stop most corruption by not using contributions. Time---will fix most of the rest. It is the natural progression of a population accuratly represented. The exact same human nature that is now from just one tiny segment of the population and their interests-------will be equally distributed through out the entire USA population. Do you ever feel like your living outside of the bell curve of elected officials interests and agendas? They seem like they are in another world to me. They own us. They freaking own us!!!
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Its bad either way Cypress. I remember a certain poster here suggesting that us Ron Paul supporters should shut our traps about the media. Perhaps that certain poster should refrain from speculating.

Be fair and measured beefy. :)

If you want to search for quotes about Ron Paul and libertarianism, you can find far more harsh quotes than mine. Some liberal posters literally call Ron Paul bug-fucking nuts and a whack job. How did I become the default magnet for the wrath of the ronbots? lol

Rudy isn't the president, and this scandal is just now breaking. If you remember, the Clinton scandals didn't break overnight either. Your "I Heart Democrats" underwear is showing.

Politicians suck. They're filthy fucknuts, and to make a compartive difference into a justification (Guliani's a dick, but they would have made Clinton look like an even bigger dick!!! LOL!1!) is to goose step with the bullshit that makes politics unpalatable with the public to begin with.

The clinton scandals were proven to be nothing but hot air. Other than getting a bj and lying about it. I don't think I'm the only poster who think Rudy G. is an probably a corrupt authoritarian; probably far more dangerous than clinton ever was. Which is not to say that Clinton wasn't an @ss with respect to a lot of things liberals care about. I just don't think it makes me a goose stepper for daring to think that Rudy G. is significantly more dangerous to this country than Gore or Clinton ever were.

ps: this article is about far more that just doggy walking. I just thought that was the most hilarious part :)
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The Clinton scandals? hahahahahahahahahyahahaha!

Years and millions of dollars were set to get Clinton and NOTHING could be found except something that Half of the Repubilcan party was doing except with underage boys , male prostitutes or strangers in bathrooms.

Please tell me what kind of sex rudy got from his mistress while using our tax dollars to help hide it? Tell me how many times he lied about it?

The Clinton scandals are really about the Rights win at any cost. You just go ahead and keep bringing them up so we can constantly get a chance to show just how hypocritical the Republican party is OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER.