Look at this one...


Staff member
I created this as a Header, but it is HUGE, over 3MB...

But this was the idea I'm thinking of...

Has anybody looked at this?

This was my original idea for a header. It just seemed a bit too large in MBs...
Do you think I should set it, even with its size, as the header that all skins use, or do you think the size would cause it to slow the site down?
I think it's better than staring at the U.N. building, slow or not. LOL

I suppose you could set it and if it slows things down too much you could always switch back to the smaller headers. Perhaps set as the header for just one of the skins for now, see if anyone complains. What am I saying? Someone is going to complain, it's inevitable.
the electronic voting picture just isn't graphically pleasing nor do I find it relevant in comparision to the magna carta, the constitution, the united nations, etc . . . small thing but whatevs
It really does stick out as the only current issue in there. All the other things were history changing in scale, but the electronic voting thing is at best a conspiracy.

Desh please don't enter this thread.
I'm up for suggestions too. I can drop that and keep it as only big things, but it seems to actually get people talking... :dunno:
Damo, can you replace the flag with this

I'm bored. Making Barbara cry is fun.

Oh boy that would be so great. We might finally see the last of him. Pink it up Damo! Come on you’ve been duped by Darla the commie codepinko slut, do it do it do it do it. I’ll pm you pics of my nipples. They’re really nice.