Looking For Leni


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Immersed as we are in President Trump’s efforts to wrest victory from a sinister collection of fraudsters, we’re understandably sparing little time to consider what happens if addled Joe Biden’s handlers get away with stealing the elections. These Democrat hacks, malignant leftists, BLM grifters, Antifa spoiled brats, D.C. lifers, traitorous RINOs, Big Tech plutocrats, and MSM propagandists, all suffering a variety of conceits, are convinced they’re pulling off the biggest heist in their wretched existences. Maybe a new Leni Riefenstahl will be found in Biden’s press pool to immortalize the feat?

December 3, 2020
If the Elections are Stolen, the Biden Nightmare Begins
By J. Robert Smith


If you did not notice in the last few months that our liberal friends seem to have taught just about every useful idiot how to do "protest." In the liberal universe, activism and protest are the highest forms of human social interaction. When liberals engage in marches, or get rowdy in a town hall, it is reported as a triumph of the progressive will and faithfully recorded by our modern Leni Riefenstahls.



In addition to Riefenstahl’s camera work for Joe Goebbels movies, these still photographs of Nazi rallies is probably Leni Riefenstahl’s most famous images

NOTE: It was reported in 2000 that Hollywood actress Jodie Foster would do a film based on the life of Hitler’s film maker, Leni Riefenstahl , who was still alive at the time. She died at the ripe old age of 101 in 2003).

Jodie Foster film about Hitler aide angers Jews
By Simon Davis in Los Angeles
12:00AM BST 05 Oct 2000


It is a pity the film was never made. There was a lot to be learned about propaganda had the script tackled the right questions. Jewish anger is something I do not understand. The world knows about the Holocaust that fanatical Nazis led ordinary men and women down the path that ended in terrible things done to their fellow human beings, but how much does anyone really know about the early days of electronic propaganda?

Propaganda is a trait of human nature no different than:

pride (vanity)
gluttony (excess)
greed (avarice)
sloth (laziness)
wrath (anger)

Propaganda incorporates so much of every cardinal sin they should be renamed the Eight Deadly Sins.

The fact that wars give rise to intensive propaganda campaigns has made many persons suppose that propaganda is something new and modern. The word itself came into common use in this country as late as 1914, when World War I began. The truth is, however, that propaganda is not new and modern. Nobody would make the mistake of assuming that it is new if, from early times, efforts to mobilize attitudes and opinions had actually been called “propaganda.” The battle for men’s minds is as old as human history.

I do not know which direction Ms. Foster’s movie would have taken. At the time I hoped the finished film would give the world a better understanding of the personality type who willingly engage in propaganda. The world will never understand how gas chambers became a reality until everyone understands what drives the propagandist. No combination of the seven deadly sins comes close to initiating the horrors Nazi propagandists inflicted on men, women and children.

Here are two tongue-in-cheek articles connecting propagandist Obama to Riefenstahl:

July 9, 2008
Rally Memo
From: Leni Riefenstahl
To: Barack Hussein (dare I say it?) Obama
Subject: Ideas for the rally



January 16, 2011
Clarice's Pieces: Another Memo from Leni Riefenstahl
By Clarice Feldman


Finally, Obama was sneaky in the way he flipped the bird. Biden is not that subtle. Before Biden hobbles out of his führerbunker every would-be Leni Riefenstahl will be instructed to photograph Biden giving the Democrat Party’s salute to the American people. It is important that true believers understand who the message is intended for whenever Biden extends his LEFT arm and middle finger. The German people understood the message without any assistance from der Führer’s middle finger:
