Looks like Christ is making himself more acceptable to McCain!


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TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Charlie Crist backed away from his long-held opposition to offshore drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico and applauded Sen. John McCain's call to lift a federal moratorium on coastal state oil drilling, saying the Republican presidential candidate's proposal "is certainly appropriate."

Crist went on to say he believes that drilling for oil in the Gulf could possibly bring down gas prices and that he wants a study on the issue.
yeah and Jeb got lots of campaign money from oil companies too. does not compute unless the oil cos did not really want to drill in offshore FL.

They don’t. That’s why they’re already not drilling on the leases on federal lands they already hold. They just keep whining about what they don’t have permission to drill on yet. It’s all about inventory.
They don’t. That’s why they’re already not drilling on the leases on federal lands they already hold. They just keep whining about what they don’t have permission to drill on yet. It’s all about inventory.
Price and profits are up why increase the supply ?
Demand hasn't been increasing nearly as strongly as the price would seem to indicate.

Right the demand curve for the past year has been nearly flat, but the price sure has not. Someone should go to jail for breaking the law of supply and demand.
Why aren't Republicans screaming about that?

They tell us drilling in our wildlife refuges will solve the problem when clearly it isn't one of demand at all.
Anytime a politician wants to look like he or she is doing something without actually doing anything they propose a study. It's one of the oldest tricks out there.

He isn't doing anything more than paying lip service to the issue and giving the Republican candidate for president some cover from the obvious counterpoint that the people blocking offshore drilling in Florida are Republicans.

Additionally, my original post was in reference to "Christ" in the title of the thread. I though the messiah returned in a form more palatable to McCain and was sorely disappointed.