Looks like we have a DOS attack going on slowing our server...


Staff member
I'm sorry about this, and I can't do anything about it until I get home. Somebody is trying desperately hard to slow this site down at the moment and I can't block them until I have more access...
I was wondering what was going on. Who would do that? Can't grind do something about it? What do you pay him for? He is 29 aren't those guy 20 yo's supposed to know about all this stuff? He and Billy should put on their cyber tinfoil helmets and go to war! Defend the Homeland! WTF are they good for?
I was wondering what was going on. Who would do that? Can't grind do something about it? What do you pay him for? He is 29 aren't those guy 20 yo's supposed to know about all this stuff? He and Billy should put on their cyber tinfoil helmets and go to war! Defend the Homeland! WTF are they good for?

this is at the server level. I'll have to close the port they are trying to access with and move the access to another port. Unfortunately I won't be home until late. Tricks or Treats ya know? The kids get all my attention tonight.
did you confirm a ddos attack? and it wasn't on jpp it was on jaguarpc? (if you are still using them)

p.s. darla i am 27.
Well, I wouldn't call it an official ddos attack, it was somebody trying to brute force their way onto my WHM cpanel or into SSH. Either way it caused some serious slowdown making the site suck...

They didn't get in, but they tried a gagillion times... They clearly had some software that changed IPs and just kept at it. A quick change of the port and that won't work, unless they figure out what port I now use for this...
i hope you are reporting this then to your host and also potentially the police if it's anything nefarious.
I think this is the first time I didn't get a single customer.

Because of the storm?

I have so much candy left. My complex was one of the few places that kept power, but still I didn't have many kids. At least some came out though, they were cute. I'd love to find a group of kids in a neighborhood that didn't get to do Halloween and just give them all the candy though.
Because of the storm?

I have so much candy left. My complex was one of the few places that kept power, but still I didn't have many kids. At least some came out though, they were cute. I'd love to find a group of kids in a neighborhood that didn't get to do Halloween and just give them all the candy though.

We didn't really get hit.
we only had two kids.....I wonder if its because we turned off the lights, hid in the basement, and ate halloween candy?.....
i hope you are reporting this then to your host and also potentially the police if it's anything nefarious.

Well, I can't see it being anything other than nefarious, but since they were unsuccessful and I've stopped up their ability to slow the site down I'm relatively happy with the result without bothering the cops who have to seek out people who were actually successful hackers. I think it is because my passwords for the server are like 30+ characters long and aren't in any dictionary you'll ever find... lol
Well, I can't see it being anything other than nefarious, but since they were unsuccessful and I've stopped up their ability to slow the site down I'm relatively happy with the result without bothering the cops who have to seek out people who were actually successful hackers. I think it is because my passwords for the server are like 30+ characters long and aren't in any dictionary you'll ever find... lol

But someone was actually trying to hack your site? Not a DOS. Software that changes IP's and keeps hitting it with password combinations unti it cracks the password?