Lou Dobbs Quote


JPP Modarater
I'm no huge fan of Lou, but I thought this was great:


"Now what with the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, Israel battling Hezbollah, Iran and its nuclear program, North Korea and its nuclear program and its missiles, our record trade and budget deficits, a slowing economy and accelerating energy prices, you're probably feelin' right now 'bout like a gnat in a hailstorm. That's understandable.

But as Texans like us say, when you find yourself in a hole, first thing to do is quit diggin'. You got more than enough critics right now, and sure, every dog has its fleas. But you sure don't want folks to start pullin' for the fleas.

I don't mean any disrespect, Mr. President, and I do know you're the leader of the free world, but if you would, please look 'round and see just who's followin'."
It has no meaning at all. What are you trying to say? It is Bush's fault the there is Islamic hate?
The primis of the statement is wrong to begin with, so any conclusion would also be wrong.
I love the quote... Bush needs to change his direction as he is still digging the hole deeper, and deeper!
Indeed, W has really, really made the world a safer place. Yes he has, and if you want to argue against that, well then I'm putting my fingers in my ears and going "NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA!"
just look who's followin'. that is the point. Iraq has so ruined our credibility in the world that, regardless of how noble our intentions are about Norht Korea or Iran or Lebanon...regardless of how "correct" our suggested approaches to those issues might be, the rest of the world does not feel inclined to follow our lead anywhere.
If your boat is taking on water....

1) Stop raming Icebergs (change course)
2) Get to shore!
Not true Maine, the world has always resisted the American influence, nothing new here now or ever! We have a right and an obligation to do the right thing whether others agree or not.
just look who's followin'. that is the point. Iraq has so ruined our credibility in the world that, regardless of how noble our intentions are about Norht Korea or Iran or Lebanon...regardless of how "correct" our suggested approaches to those issues might be, the rest of the world does not feel inclined to follow our lead anywhere.

You got that right!
Bush has blown decades worth of trust and alliances the USA had built up in the world.
Bush has tried to reestablish our creditablitity. It was shot long ago by fake claims of interest and false promises. Bush stands by his words and is on point.
one need only to look at the great alliances such as NATO, SEATO, Bush I's grand coalition.... hell...the UN, for crissakes.... they all were potent forces for good and we led those efforts. We are no longer leaders on the world stage, but something to laugh at or distrust

So as long as they criticise Bush ..they are the good guys? Since Putin is such a great guy ..how about we have him as our leader .. would you like that Lady T?

Look it, Bush has not been a good President ..Im willing to concede this point ... but to embrace every nut case out there just because they are critical of him is extremely naive on your part ....

Putin has his problems too ... wasnt this guy former KGB? yeah ..that always made me comfortable knowing that he leads one of the worlds powers....
to point out that others find Bush a laughing stock is not synonymous with embracing them in their entirety.
Bush is consistant and stands by what he says. He advocates for America and that is bad in some peoples eyes.
So as long as they criticise Bush ..they are the good guys? Since Putin is such a great guy ..how about we have him as our leader ..

I'm instituting a new policy: Strawmen arguments get :nono: no responses

Putin has his problems too ... wasnt this guy former KGB? yeah ..that always made me comfortable knowing that he leads one of the worlds powers....

You managed two strawmen in one post. :nono:
Not a straw argument, you have to take sides. Do you agree with those who oppose American policy or not? If you do then who are these people and what do the believe? Nothing about it is a straw argument!
If you want to say that many oppose America then you have to ask why they oppose America and do you agree with them. Klaatu was just putting forth one of the opposing view points.