Louisiana Gov. Jindal Authorizes Chemical Castration Of Sex Offenders


The Force is With Me
Rising Republican star Bobby Jindal signed legislation allowing judges to force convicted rapists to undergo chemical castration, the Louisiana Advocate reports:

"I am glad we have taken such strong measures in Louisiana to put a stop to these monsters' brutal acts," the governor said in a prepared statement.
Jindal signed Senate Bill 144 into law on the day that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Louisiana cannot execute people who rape children under the age of 12.

The governor blasted the high court's decision.

"I am especially glad to sign (SB144) into Louisiana law ... on the same day the Supreme Court has made an atrocious ruling against our state's ability to sentence those who sexually assault our children to the fullest extent," he said.

Jindal, the country's youngest governor and the first with Indian roots, is often cited as a potential Vice Presidental nominee for McCain. He has spoken out in defense of intelligent design and written about his participation in an exorcism.

I am glad he took this step to stop child molesters.

But is he going to use it against all sex offenders? Is the rape of an adult woman going to get the same thing?
Castration only works against those whos crimes were truly sexually motivated. And that's probably actually a minority of sex offenders.

Exactly. Where's the evidence that chemical castration prevents future assaults of any nature? This seems like a "wishful thinking" step to me.
Exactly. Where's the evidence that chemical castration prevents future assaults of any nature? This seems like a "wishful thinking" step to me.

Thorn, the guy performs exorcisms. I doubt evidence means much to him one way or the other. I can’t get over that; exorcisms! And the Republicans took one look at that and said “there’s our rising star!”.
Thats why I asked the question. Most rapes against adult women are acts of violence more than sexual acts.

Being chemically castrated would probably make the sick bastard more violent.
Thorn, the guy performs exorcisms. I doubt evidence means much to him one way or the other. I can’t get over that; exorcisms! And the Republicans took one look at that and said “there’s our rising star!”.

I know. Though I read that in the initial post, your reply just made me burst out laughing; you've pointed out the real absurdity in this guy! :p
Thorn, the guy performs exorcisms. I doubt evidence means much to him one way or the other. I can’t get over that; exorcisms! And the Republicans took one look at that and said “there’s our rising star!”.

wait? Are you serious?
Yes totally! Can you believe it? He is a radical right wing catholic. I thought maybe he could perform one on Sean Hannity, but no word on that yet.

Man, would I love to see Sean Hannity shaking his head & rubbing his eyes, asking things like "who am I?" and "what do you mean that America is the greatest nation that God has ever given mankind in the history of the planet? That's insane!"
I think he may have stumbled upon something.

If we chemically castrate all teens then teen pregnancy would be a thing of the past! We'll test it out on Watermark.
I think he may have stumbled upon something.

If we chemically castrate all teens then teen pregnancy would be a thing of the past! We'll test it out on Watermark.

Good idea. Its not like he's putting his package to use anyway.
If you chemically castrate the men .. what do you do with women who have sex with minors? Happens all the time. What do you do with the teacher who has sex with young students?

Chemical castration is already in use in several states, including California .. but men have to take large doses for it to be effective .. and even then they still experience arousals and sexual fantasies.

It's also completely reversible .. just stop taking the Depo-Provera injections and it doersn't deprive the men of sexual enjoyment .. or the willingness to rape for power.

So whta good is it other than to make politicians look like their doing something .. as in the case of Jindal?
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If you chemically castrate the men .. what do you do with women who have sex with minors? Happens all the time. What do you do with the teacher who has sex with young students?

Chemical castration is already in use in several states, including California .. but men have to take large doses for it to be effective .. and even then they still experience arousals and sexual fantasies.

It's also completely reversible .. just stop taking the Depo-Provera injections and it doersn't deprive the men of sexual enjoyment .. or the willingness to rape for power.

So whta good is it other than to make politicians look like their doing something .. as in the case of Jindal?

That's the only reason. All your points are spot on.