Love it, Paul Ryan is handing the keys to the party over to Donald


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Ryan thinks he's going to tell Trump how he should act, He is a small man with big ears, That thinks he know the pulse of the people , what a laugh. His promise is what he has offered in his Budget proposals through the years, handing everything over to the top few at the expense of the middle class and I'l tell you what blind ignorance is, a middle class anyone supporting the right of 2016. There is nothing worse that they could do for themselves.
The regressives just don't get it , they have pushed every type of hate there is for decades and now Trump comes along and says everything that the right has been saying over time but Trumps puts the hate out there every time he opens his mouth. He's got the message that the hate party wants to hear, they made the haters and are now surprised by a 100% hate candidate Donald Trump, that as of now is the leaders of the regressive party.
They reaped what they sowed , Or they thought they had sowed wheat but reaped thorns. And boy do they own it and deserve it.