Love story

Yepper. He was also equating himself to King David.

I hope his wife kicks him so far out the door that his butt lands in another state.
Pathetic loser.
He's also a global warming denialist. Coincidence?

LOL the only denial going on lately is the alarmists who can seem to stomach their theory falling apart. When will you be convinced? When the IPCC says it was wrong? LOL never going to happen. Real scientists are aware that climate alarmism is fantasy designed to frighten the public into support for new taxes to fight a boogeyman. Perfect scam. It can never be determined if legislation will be effective or not. The climate is always changing. And anyone who does not understand that the procession of the equinox is the turning point in the next glacial period has absolutely no concept of the big picture.
The sun being in a declining output pahse is the only thing saving us from more global warming?

I think you posted that thread on decliining solar output.