Low wages stalling US economy



WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — American workers should get a raise. They deserve a raise, and the economy needs it, too.

Low wages are holding us back. Since the official end of the recession more than four years ago, the average wage has barely kept up with inflation, even though workers are more productive and are creating more profits for the owners they work for.

Since June 2009, real average weekly earnings have increased 0.3% per year , even as productivity has increased 1.5% per year. Most of the income gains have gone to the highest paid workers, including the bosses. Real median weekly wages have actually declined 0.8% per year since 2009.

Slow income growth means consumer spending has also grown slowly. Most households are still trying to avoid taking on too much debt (like they did in the 2000s), so they don’t have the purchasing power to buy the additional goods and services that the economy could be producing.

If those additional goods and services can’t be sold, then businesses won’t hire the workers who would produce them, nor will they invest in the buildings or equipment that would be needed.

The U.S. economy relies on consumer spending to drive growth, but consumption is stuck in second gear. With consumer spending growing at less than 2%, it is no surprise that gross domestic product is also stuck in the 2% range.
the world seeks a way into the US market.

your historically failed ideas are trying to level us with the rest of the world

how will that keep us on top?
Get rid of the illegal criminals ( A voting block for the Democratic party and cheap labor for rich people to clean their houses and their swimming pools) and everybody will immediately get a raise and there will be an abundance of new jobs.

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — American workers should get a raise. They deserve a raise, and the economy needs it, too.

Low wages are holding us back. Since the official end of the recession more than four years ago, the average wage has barely kept up with inflation, even though workers are more productive and are creating more profits for the owners they work for.

Since June 2009, real average weekly earnings have increased 0.3% per year , even as productivity has increased 1.5% per year. Most of the income gains have gone to the highest paid workers, including the bosses. Real median weekly wages have actually declined 0.8% per year since 2009.

Slow income growth means consumer spending has also grown slowly. Most households are still trying to avoid taking on too much debt (like they did in the 2000s), so they don’t have the purchasing power to buy the additional goods and services that the economy could be producing.

If those additional goods and services can’t be sold, then businesses won’t hire the workers who would produce them, nor will they invest in the buildings or equipment that would be needed.

The U.S. economy relies on consumer spending to drive growth, but consumption is stuck in second gear. With consumer spending growing at less than 2%, it is no surprise that gross domestic product is also stuck in the 2% range.

Explain how your recommendation works in the framework of wages in relation to productivity with capital contributing to productivity. Then throw in the impact of advancing technology reducing the need for labor, and factor in the market's adaption to increased labor costs by utilizing even more advanced technology to eliminate the increasing labor costs.
the world seeks a way into the US market.

your historically failed ideas are trying to level us with the rest of the world

how will that keep us on top?

What does this even mean? Can you actually state what this is in reference to since you use the phrase repeatedly?
Right, it isn't the fact that nobody is hiring except fast food that is a sign of a craptacular "recovery". Remember back in the day when Bush was President how they said it was a sign of a bad economy fast food companies were hiring people? Now, the "fix" is to artificially increase the wages of fast food workers and it is a sign of a good economy because all those college graduates have jobs....
Right, it isn't the fact that nobody is hiring except fast food that is a sign of a craptacular "recovery". Remember back in the day when Bush was President how they said it was a sign of a bad economy fast food companies were hiring people? Now, the "fix" is to artificially increase the wages of fast food workers and it is a sign of a good economy because all those college graduates have jobs....
That's laughably ignorant