Lying is second nature to the left

The fact that the left lies isn’t surprising. It's in their genes.

Some examples:

Though many highly-placed Democrats in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations knew that Josef Stalin slaughtered as many or more Jews and Slavs as Hitler during WWII, and murdered millions of Ukrainians by starving them to death, they praised the dictator incessantly - when they weren't too busy giving the KGB our secrets.

Under their pal "Uncle Joe" Stalin, the fondly-remembered (by liberals) Soviet Union built showplaces to dupe leftists everywhere into thinking that their beloved Union of Socialist Republics was the workers’ paradise they believed it to be.

A parade of liberal traitors fled to Mother Russia over the years to reap the rewards of their perfidy. Bruno Pontecorvo and Klaus Fuchs, another nuclear scientist convicted of espionage, fled with secrets even as American traitors defended the guilty Rosenbergs and other leftists spying for the enemies of freedom.

Melita Norwood, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and Kim Philby all made the pilgrimage after being unmasked.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a later visitor to the lefty version of Club Med.

Hanoi Jane and "Winter Soldier" Kerry carried the ignoble tradition of the Red flag into the 60s, with help from the likes of Obamapals Richard Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

Like the Communist butchers who always have a lot of help dispensing propaganda from the leftist liberal media in the USA, take a look at Obama's worshipful company of uncritical yea-sayers today.

CNN famously colluded with Saddam Hussein for years.

Jack Kelley of USA Today was caught fabricating stories, as was Stephen Glass of the New Republic, and Jayson Blair of the New York Times.

Janet Cooke cooked up a story about an eight-year-old heroin addict for the Washington Post, and won a Pulitzer Prize.

See-BS’s Dan Blather's hatred of George Bush blinded him to the fact that he was going to the mat in defense of obviously forged documents.

Chris Matthews gets a "thrill" when he hears his master speak. Keith Olbermann is so biased that he ties himself into pretzels to parse the flip-flops of his Messiah for the masses.

AlGore and his Hollyweird sycophants reside in mansions the size of apartment complexes and jaunt all over the planet in carbon-belching private jets to tout their scare scam, and no liberal ever mentions the inconvenient truth.
Lying is second nature to politicians and people in power.

Fuck it, lying is second nature to all human beings.

If you think this behavior is only confined to your political adversaries, you're really quite delusional.
Lying is second nature to politicians and people in power.

Fuck it, lying is second nature to all human beings.

If you think this behavior is only confined to your political adversaries, you're really quite delusional.

An unbiased voice of reason and sanity.

I applaud that.