MAD AS HELL: This Party Ain't About Jobs!


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MAD AS HELL: This Party Ain't About Jobs!


What did you think the 2010 elections were about? If you listened to John Boehner in the weeks prior to the election, you might have thought the midterms were about jobs. When it came to mentioning jobs, he sounded like a veritable Mynah bird with Tourette’s Syndrome. “The American people are asking ‘Where are the jobs?’” “This election will be about jobs.”Jobs, jobs, jobs! Here-a job. There-a job. Everywhere a job-job.

But the self-proclaimed “small government”majority in the House have already made one thing crystal clear. Since taking over in January, the pursuit of creating and finding jobs for millions of unemployed Americans is no where to be found on their radar screen. If you were actually thinking jobs were going to trump The Great Culture Wars —well, consider yourself punk’d. It just doesn’t work that way in Tea-publican Land.

Tea Party Republicans who got elected in such overwhelming numbers have demonstrated they don’t think job creation was the reason they were elected at all. They have devoted their time to arguing, debating, giving speeches and writing bills on the subjects they believe are the most pressing issues facing the country: the defunding National Public Radio, which required an “emergency” meeting by House members; the declaring of English to be the country’s official language; and investigations of whether or not American Muslims are being “radicalized.”

The Defense of Marriage Act has been up for discussion, and later this week, the House of Representatives will vote on the very urgent crisis of whether or not to reaffirm the motto of “In God We Trust”!

But the one concern that reigns supreme, that is paramount in importance above all others is — are you ready? — the monitoring of every last pregnancy in America. From the bunch who claimed to be in such a rush to work on job creation, Tea-publicans have spent most of their time for the last three months focusing on human creation. Obviously, instead of studying economic incentives, wage rates, and manufacturing proposals, they have been devoting their hours on The Hill to studying wombs, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

The amount of time invested by Republicans on women’s reproductive rights is so obsessive, it appears they may have established a new congressional tradition of writing an “Anti-Abortion Bill-of-the-Month”—— for in their three shorts months of governance they have drafted the same number of anti-abortion bills.

Although the Hyde Amendment, which barred the use of any federal funds for abortion, was passed in 1976, the GOP has written The“Protect Life Act” (HR 358) which would basically seek to doubly, triply, quadruply reaffirm the Hyde Amendment. The bill would also offer protection for anti-abortion healthcare workers who choose, on religious grounds, to refuse reproductive healthcare to women — including filling prescriptions for contraceptives.

Although the majority of families seeking the services of Planned Parenthood are there for birth control counseling, which actually prevents unplanned pregnancies that could lead to abortion, the Boehner led House has spent weeks drafting the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act (HR 217) which will cut all funding to Planned Parenthood for family planning services.

But the Motherlode of all anti-abortion legislation is the recently written No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (HR-3). It is yet another declaration of the denial of federal funding for abortion services, but this bill would require IRS agents to ask citizens undergoing a tax audit whether or not any woman in their family had been raped or had suffered incest which could have resulted in an abortion. Think about that for a second. Wrap your mind around the idea of having to describe your rape or a family member’s incest or an abortion to an IRS auditor.

Still thinking the election back in November was about jobs? Still thinking there is going to be “smaller government”?

Wherever they have taken over — whether in statehouses or in our nation’s Capitol — Tea Party Republicans have made it clear their concern is not jobs. They haven’t spent a single moment on one piece of legislation regarding jobs. To no one’s surprise, the Tea Party is not in power to fulfill voter mandates. They are in power to fulfill their mandate. And their mission. From God.
Wow, I read the title, and for a moment, I thought you had come to your senses and realized the Democrat Party is not about jobs, and you were mad as hell.... then I realized who was posting!

Let me make this as clear as I can for a pinhead.... NO PARTY is about JOBS! The Government can't create JOBS! We see JOBS created, when government gets the hell out of the way of business and corporations, and encourages economic growth and prosperity. This can sometimes be done through lower tax rates or incentives, and by deregulation. None of this has been done by the Obama Administration, and liberals in general, don't want to do anything to promote or encourage capitalism.... in fact, you've made capitalism the enemy! You routinely attack businesses and corporations, demonize them, try to punish them by stealing even more of their profits or making it exceedingly harder for them to do business. In that environment, you won't see JOBS.

Which party is "about JOBS?" Neither of them are... but the GOP at least understands what has to be done to create the conditions for JOBS.
Dixie, do you really think it should be the job of IRS employees to inquire into the rape of any of your family members?
Wow, I didn't think Dixie believed in socialist unemployment checks, learn something everyday.

Meanwhile back at the ranch in Arizona they invent situations to pass laws against...

Ban on race-based abortions OK'd

Rep. Steve Montenegro, R-Litchfield Park, has said he pushed the legislation to protect against bigotry and prejudice, saying he fears women would choose to abort because they didn't like the gender or the race of the baby.

But critics - mainly Democrats - said the bill was a solution in search of a problem, and they argue there is no evidence of the practice.

Rep. Katie Hobbs, D-Phoenix, said the only proof Montenegro offered was a magazine article on such practices in China and India.

Read more:

Check out the photo, there's Sheriff Joe and his mormon moron partner Russell Pierce author of many KKK inspired and self-serving laws.
Three fiddlers while our country burns.

I believe there will be a huge backlash against Republicon incompetence come next election.
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Wow, I didn't think Dixie believed in socialist unemployment checks, learn something everyday.

Meanwhile back at the ranch in Arizona [..rabid incoherent left-wing ranting..]

I believe there will be a huge backlash against Republicon incompetence come next election.

I believe you are right, and a backlash against idiot liberal politicians too!
I believe you are right, and a backlash against idiot liberal politicians too!

There are more pressing problems to be solved than wasting time on nonsensical moral issues. The voters of this country are seeing that the Republicons won't even deal with the real problems they created and continue to concentrate on teen sex, useless abortion laws and continuing their war on middle class wages - as usual. Why won't they deal with the problems? Putting Americans to work costs their Koch brothers masters more money than they pay their communist slaves. Republicons claim to love this country but prove they hate the people in it.

[..rabid incoherent left-wing ranting..]
Read the article and tell me this is a pressing issue and a necessary law.
The objective here Dixie is to do nothing to solve the problems and to make them worse, then at election time blame it on those damn yankees and Libruls.
Wait till the healthcare crap gets more and more into the system.

You can forget about jobs, and expect 50% unemployment.

Socialism drives jobs away, and all who support socialist ideas deserve what's happening and is coming.

Wake up! Socialism kills!
I believe you are right, and a backlash against idiot liberal politicians too!

I hate to break it to you Dixie, but the majority of Republicans in office are a bunch of theocratic nuts.

They don't get it.

At all!

What's bad is that the Dems are worse.

The good news is that when the govt runs out of $, and the government can no longer pay the unproductive unthankful lazy public union worker, they'll get layed off.

And when they try to find a job, employers won't be able to pay for them.

That is those that are still in business.
I hate to break it to you Dixie, but the majority of Republicans in office are a bunch of theocratic nuts.

They don't get it.

At all!

What's bad is that the Dems are worse.

The good news is that when the govt runs out of $, and the government can no longer pay the unproductive unthankful lazy public union worker, they'll get layed off.

And when they try to find a job, employers won't be able to pay for them.

That is those that are still in business.

I disagree, I don't see any theocratic politicians in our government, sorry. Theocracy is the idea that Religion controls government, and I think most conservatives, and in fact, most Americans, do not want Religion to control our government, regardless of which Religion. Most Constitutional Conservatives, like myself, believe that we are a nation founded on the belief that all men are created equal, and endowed rights by their Creator. Does that mean we are theocratic? Or is it a brilliant articulation of a universal spiritual freedom and understanding that binds us as one nation?

Whether we agree or disagree on moral issues, people should have the right to express their opinions on them, and vote accordingly. You might not like that, I might not like that at times, but that is freedom of religion and how a representative democracy works.
I disagree, I don't see any theocratic politicians in our government, sorry. Theocracy is the idea that Religion controls government, and I think most conservatives, and in fact, most Americans, do not want Religion to control our government, regardless of which Religion. Most Constitutional Conservatives, like myself, believe that we are a nation founded on the belief that all men are created equal, and endowed rights by their Creator. Does that mean we are theocratic? Or is it a brilliant articulation of a universal spiritual freedom and understanding that binds us as one nation?

Whether we agree or disagree on moral issues, people should have the right to express their opinions on them, and vote accordingly. You might not like that, I might not like that at times, but that is freedom of religion and how a representative democracy works.

Well, we got the marriage act, (Amendment want to be) or what ever that's called, still in play.

In God we trust on the money.

One nation under God.

A drug war.

The Christian rights influence.

There's a lot of examples. We don't have to be a full blown theocracy to have a bunch of theocratic minded Republican politicians.

Long story short, people see this and it's a credible evaluation of the republican party. They exclude people more than the republican party worshipers want to admit.
Well, we got the marriage act, (Amendment want to be) or what ever that's called, still in play.

In God we trust on the money.

One nation under God.

A drug war.

The Christian rights influence.

There's a lot of examples. We don't have to be a full blown theocracy to have a bunch of theocratic minded Republican politicians.

Long story short, people see this and it's a credible evaluation of the republican party. They exclude people more than the republican party worshipers want to admit.

No, to be 'theocratic-minded', you must subscribe to the belief that religion controls government. This is certainly something Islamists believe, but Americans just generally don't. You mentioned several issues.. DOMA was signed into law by a Democrat. Protecting traditional marriage from judicial tyranny is an idea shared by a vast majority of Americans, across both party lines, yet here, you attempt to hang the yoke around the neck of republicans? Yeah, most conservative minded republicans happen to believe that family is important to a society, and family values is important to our culture, and promoting traditional values is beneficial in combating many of the societal problems we face in America! And by god, those people have just as much of a RIGHT to express their views via politics, as anyone else in America!
Thanks Kenneth. This is exactly what I have been saying. These assholes are trying to repeal Obama Care instead of trying to improve the economy. Losers.
Thanks Kenneth. This is exactly what I have been saying. These assholes are trying to repeal Obama Care instead of trying to improve the economy. Losers.

Do you think Congress can improve the economy?
Thanks Kenneth. This is exactly what I have been saying. These assholes are trying to repeal Obama Care instead of trying to improve the economy. Losers.

You shit for brains!

Where did you miss that one?

You mean you're just now realizing the fact that some peoples main issue is Bainercare? Or one of the top ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,five.

Where have you been? Watching only Charlie Sheen?

Bainercare is a job killer.

Bainercare restricts oppertunity like nothing else before.

You really can't see that.

Can you?

I mean you haven't heard anything that would suggest to you in any kind of way that Bainercare is worse than a cancer for the economy?


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No, to be 'theocratic-minded', you must subscribe to the belief that religion controls government. This is certainly something Islamists believe, but Americans just generally don't. You mentioned several issues.. DOMA was signed into law by a Democrat. Protecting traditional marriage from judicial tyranny is an idea shared by a vast majority of Americans, across both party lines, yet here, you attempt to hang the yoke around the neck of republicans? Yeah, most conservative minded republicans happen to believe that family is important to a society, and family values is important to our culture, and promoting traditional values is beneficial in combating many of the societal problems we face in America! And by god, those people have just as much of a RIGHT to express their views via politics, as anyone else in America!

It's the perception that others see.

Not your personal justification, and acceptance of what I've outlined as a negative true reality of the republican party is here.
It's the perception that others see.

Not your personal justification, and acceptance of what I've outlined as a negative true reality of the republican party is here.

Whatthefuckever that's supposed to mean... I think people in general, not Republican OR Democrat, are just fed up with the bullshit and doublespeak, and don't really give a shit about your psychobabble or 'perceptions'. If you have a secular libertarian view, that's fine, you get the platform to freely express your opinions and develop a following of like minded individuals, and forge whatever political policies you are able to... that's how our system of government works. You seem to want to marginalize others and not afford them the same platform or same right to delve into politics, but it's as much their right to advocate for what they believe in, as it is for you or anyone else in America. What bothers you, is it's not faaaaaaaaaaaair..... Those evangelicals control more of the political capital! You're a step away from being full-on Liberal, you just need government to come in and take some of that capital and give it to you!