MAGA conundrum.


Shaken, not stirred!
As the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

Well for well over a year the MAGA/GOP have been beating the drum about Hunter Biden.

First it was that he and dear old dad were working the Ukrainians for money and political power and what have you. All the inquiries and hearings FAILED to prove their case.

Then it was the circus of the Hunter Biden laptop to revive the same accusations. Which once again, turned out to be a bust. So they failed to prove that Hunter, a private citizen with no gov't position, was in cahoots with his then Senator dad to grift the Ukrainians for future use when dad became President.

But the efforts did finally produce a result .... getting Biden tried and convicted for purchasing a weapon by lying on the application regarding his history of drug use/addiction.

Now you have the MAGA/GOP menagerie wailing like stuck pigs. "It's a diversion, a trick! Uncle Joe is a Machiavellian genius who has manipulated the DOJ, the courts, etc., etc. to hide his crimes."

There's just a small problem with that "logic"; the MAGA/GOP has spent 4 years painting Uncle Joe as an increasingly senile, corrupt octogenarian being propped up by drugs and excuses .... a man not capable of leading the country. Then they carried on that Uncle Joe was so corrupt that he would manipulate the justice system to prevent his son from being convicted.

You can't have it both ways.

But undaunted, an additional Hail Mary ploy by the MAGA/GOP is speculating whether Uncle Joe will pardon his son if sentenced to prison (an option by the courts instead of a hefty fine or house arrest, etc.). In this vein, the White House stupidly did NOT totally dismiss this possibility flat out, but just hinted it was unlikely.

All in all, the MAGA/GOP are still stuck with the conviction of Cheeto Jeezus, along with other pending trials of corruption and his self imploding rally speeches, interviews and tweets.

And both these jokers are what the American people are told are the only choices for president.

If I didn't have to live here, I'd find this all an entertaining TV drama. But as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

And the band played on. :palm:
I have always been clear....Biden is a paid front man for a neo-marxist Revolution, cosplaying at President.