MAGA/GOP: but with a whimper!


Shaken, not stirred!
Oh, ya gotta love it! After few YEARS of flushing the taxpayers money down the toilet over endless GOP committee lead "hearings" & "probes", subpoenas & investigations, the GOP/MAGA leadership HAVE COME UP WITH NOTHING .... ZIP....NADA! And as their brilliant choice of candidates for the POTUS (Dump and Little Dump) just flame themselves with each public worth, the brilliant House GOP leaders Comer & Jordan just try to quietly fold their circus tent and hope no one remembers their folly when going to the voting booth.

But, little devil that I am, I'll post it when and wherever I bloody well can! Enjoy!

The Republican impeachment probe ends the way it began: with nothing​

The Republican chairs tasked with the impeachment probe produced nothing more than a basket of cherries they’d picked, one that back in September seemed like an essential tool in the effort to block Joe Biden’s reelection and to return a Republican — specifically Trump — to the White House. The insincerity of the effort is epitomized by the complete and overt lack of interest Comer and his allies had in similarly investigating Trump and his family, recipients of far more money far more directly tied to foreign governments. In fact, when Comer took over Oversight, he shut down an existing probe into Trump.
