MAGAnomics vs DeSasternomics


For anyone still even considering DeSaster over Trump, here is a comparison of each candidate's economic policy, this example focusing on China:

DESASTER'S plans of action... er... platitudes:
DeSantis will end our abusive relationship with the CCP, reverse our ever-increasing trade deficits, ban imports of goods made from stolen intellectual property, strengthen protections to stop child and forced labor, and end China's preferential trade status.

DeSantis will demand that American companies act in accordance with American interests --- which means preventing companies from sharing critical technologies with China and banning the sale of strategic assets like farmland to CCP members and their affiliates.

DeSantis will incentivize the repatriation of U.S. capital from China through strategic tax abatements and aligning market incentives with strategic goals to help secure our supply chains and invest in America.


IOW, DeSaster's babble is almost exclusively meaningless platitudes with little to no substantive plan of action.

TRUMP'S plans... yes, specific plans of action:
President Trump’s America First trade policy will completely eliminate U.S. dependence on China–the primary beneficiary of Democrats’ globalist agenda.

In addition to universal baseline tariffs on most foreign goods, President Trump’s plan will reclaim our economic independence from China. President Trump will revoke China’s Most Favored Nation trade status and adopt a 4-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods—everything from electronics to steel to pharmaceuticals. This will include strong protections to ensure China cannot circumvent restrictions by passing goods through conduit countries.

President Trump will establish new rules to stop U.S. companies from investing in China and stop China from buying up America, allowing only those investments that serve American interests.

President Trump will ban federal contracts for any company that outsources to China.

See the difference?

TRUMP 2024 or BUST
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Wait a minute, you telling us the Trumps, Trump businesses, now or never had dealings with and in China?

“Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease.”

”Trump Records Shed New Light on Chinese Business Pursuits”

”China grants 18 trademarks in 2 months to Trump, daughter “

”What Trump's disclosure of his 500 LLCs can and can't tell us“.

”How a Trump deal got a boost from a China-based financier “

“Donald Trump's China Connections”

”Tax records show Trump tried to land China projects”

”Why Does Trump Have a Chinese Bank Account”

”Donald Trump has more than 100 trademarks in China”

“Trump-owned properties in the US have imported more than 8 tons of Chinese goods since September (2020)”

Appears Maganomics, Trump’s plan, is do as I say, not as I do, typical, and lemmings such as “pigeon,” drunk on the Kool aid, swallow it eagerly

Desantis turned out to be a marshmellow.

He's not going anywhere in this election other than back to Florida with his tail tucked behind him.

He's not ready for national office.