Majority Leader Harry Reid

I cant believer we have something like 40 D senators wanting Lieberman back..... fuck lieberman..... He should go join the Rs....

And bashing Leiberman wouldn't accomplish anything except revenge. And that serves no one.

Better to move forward. I actually admire the Dems for this move.
I think it blows. It's not revenge I'm looking for. It's just that Democrats have notoriously weak party discipline. Senators balk at supporting the party all the time. The proper way to deal with this stuff is to incentivize playing along and to punish going against the party. Lieberman took a steamy dump not just on Obama but on the very idea of a Democratic majority in the Senate, suggesting that a 60 seat Democratic majority is dangerous. He should be punished, not as revenge, but to make sure anyone thinking about going rogue again thinks twice and to reward those that play along.

But, if they did that they wouldn't be Democrats. They'd be some other party that actually got shit done and had some backbone.
I think it blows. It's not revenge I'm looking for. It's just that Democrats have notoriously weak party discipline. Senators balk at supporting the party all the time. The proper way to deal with this stuff is to incentivize playing along and to punish going against the party. Lieberman took a steamy dump not just on Obama but on the very idea of a Democratic majority in the Senate, suggesting that a 60 seat Democratic majority is dangerous. He should be punished, not as revenge, but to make sure anyone thinking about going rogue again thinks twice and to reward those that play along.

But, if they did that they wouldn't be Democrats. They'd be some other party that actually got shit done and had some backbone.

centrism is awesome when your party is the minority, isn't it? :321:
I think it blows. It's not revenge I'm looking for. It's just that Democrats have notoriously weak party discipline. Senators balk at supporting the party all the time. The proper way to deal with this stuff is to incentivize playing along and to punish going against the party. Lieberman took a steamy dump not just on Obama but on the very idea of a Democratic majority in the Senate, suggesting that a 60 seat Democratic majority is dangerous. He should be punished, not as revenge, but to make sure anyone thinking about going rogue again thinks twice and to reward those that play along.

But, if they did that they wouldn't be Democrats. They'd be some other party that actually got shit done and had some backbone.

I think a politician following what he thinks is right is more admireable than following the party line like a robot.

You want to punish people for not doing what the party says? Did their constituents vote for the perty or the person?
Actually if the dems REALLY want to do something what they ought to do is start very quietly courting the moderate republicans in the senate like Snowe to jump ship like Nighthorse-Campbell did back in the 90's. Make the case that the Republicans are already talking about purging the moderates from their party, offer up a couple of good chairs and see if they can do to the Repubs what the repubs did in 94 and beyond. The Dems could end up with a really big majority. I bet Snowe could get away with it and not even be punished by the people of Maine.