Majority rules

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President Obama is comfortable with wielding the enormous power that comes from large Democratic majorities in both Houses of Congress, and it's time the GOP learned its' place.

Nothing made that clearer than Judge Sotomayors' nomination hearings. Although they obviously hated the thought of a Latina Justice, the Republicans could not put up much of a fight against her, but the reason is rarely mentioned by rightwingnutjobs.

The Republicans simply lack numerical clout. They don't have the votes to make a difference on anything, so they must beg the so-called "Blue Dog Democrats" to help them obstruct the will of the voters.

Unfortunately for the GOP, the Democrats have such a big majority that they could lose the Blue Dogs' votes and still prevail.

With 60 votes in the Senate, Democrats can pass health care reform without a single Republicans' support.

The President received a mandate from the voters last November, and we will not fail.
Obama cares too much about what the conservatives in Congress want and is in the process of squandering his mandate to be a liberal and enact liberal policies.

Instead he's extending the Bush policy of denying the release of information claiming state secrets, releasing information equating gay marriage with incest, and continuing to tap our phones without warrants.

The real problem is that this country as a whole is so far to the right that a centrist such as Obama is labeled as a crazy left wing socialist.

There are only a few bright spots in Congress, among them Dennis Kucinich and Russ Feingold, but for the most part they too are centrist milquetoast assholes who care only about the next election cycle.
Did democrats shut up when republicans had control? Good thing that they did not.

But don't expect republicans to shut up because they are in the minority now.

Isn't it interesting how those who decried the "subjugation of the minority party" 2001-2007 are all about majority rule and minority can bend over and take it now. Once again showing the depths of your utter hypocrisy. Also shows your tendency toward totalitarianism.

But the minority will not shut up and take it any more than the democratic minorty shut up during the Bush years. And for the same, very good reason: there are those who hold differing opinions than yours, and we deserve representation in the federal government. Don't like that, tough. Go find yourself a nice tyranny to live under and leave us the fuck alone.
Did democrats shut up when republicans had control? Good thing that they did not.

But don't expect republicans to shut up because they are in the minority now.

Isn't it interesting how those who decried the "subjugation of the minority party" 2001-2007 are all about majority rule and minority can bend over and take it now. Once again showing the depths of your utter hypocrisy. Also shows your tendency toward totalitarianism.

But the minority will not shut up and take it any more than the democratic minorty shut up during the Bush years. And for the same, very good reason: there are those who hold differing opinions than yours, and we deserve representation in the federal government. Don't like that, tough. Go find yourself a nice tyranny to live under and leave us the fuck alone.

You deserve representation. Not power. Republicans should have absolutely no power to change anything except through their windbags, which should be shut off when they've been spouting their nonsense for more than five minutes.