Making The National Debate Fair, Balanced And Honest


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Who makes the rules about the National Debate?

Why, I do believe it’s the Democrats and Republicans. Correct me if I’m wrong.

So, if I’m correct, the rule is it takes a 15% placement in like a half dozen polls, right? Well then it goes without question who decides which polls are used, right? How do we know that the pollsters aren’t biased and arainge their poll questions as to limit any ground swell of support for any other candidates other than the Democrats and Republicans who get to choose the polsters? Isn’t that like asking your mother to decide between her children and other folks children for favorable recognition?

If America’s election process were fair and balanced and honest, as opposed to being controlled by the duopoly parties, then the rule for being involved in the national debate would be that anybody who is on enough State ballots who’s electoral vote count combined would give them a possibility of winning the Presidency should be by election law on the debate stage.

But what the hell! This is America and we should all know by now that the duopoly’s rigged elections are arranged to make sure that the duopoly dictatorship continues on.
Who makes the rules about the National Debate?

Who babysits you, when you're not here??

Who makes the rules about the National Debate?

Why, I do believe it’s the Democrats and Republicans. Correct me if I’m wrong.

So, if I’m correct, the rule is it takes a 15% placement in like a half dozen polls, right? Well then it goes without question who decides which polls are used, right? How do we know that the pollsters aren’t biased and arainge their poll questions as to limit any ground swell of support for any other candidates other than the Democrats and Republicans who get to choose the polsters? Isn’t that like asking your mother to decide between her children and other folks children for favorable recognition?

If America’s election process were fair and balanced and honest, as opposed to being controlled by the duopoly parties, then the rule for being involved in the national debate would be that anybody who is on enough State ballots who’s electoral vote count combined would give them a possibility of winning the Presidency should be by election law on the debate stage.

But what the hell! This is America and we should all know by now that the duopoly’s rigged elections are arranged to make sure that the duopoly dictatorship continues on.

That's a great point. If someone is on say 40 ballots, they have a national organization and they should be in the debates