Man boxer in middle of Olympics gender storm, forces tearful first opponent to quit 46 seconds into fight


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Khelif, an Algerian who failed gender eligibility tests at the 2023 World Championships, forced her Italian opponent, Angela Carini, to withdraw from their opening-round bout in 46 seconds Thursday.

A furious Carini was left in tears and retreated to her corner after getting hit twice in the face by Khelif.

She yelled “this is unjust” at her corner and slammed her headgear on the canvas as the match in the 66-kilogram division was called off.

Carini’s coach, Emanuel Renzini, told reporters that he was unsure if the boxer’s nose was broken and that she had been warned not to take the fight.




Man beats up girl the left cheers

left calls this fair and supports it
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This started out as let them use the girls bathroom etc what could it hurt

To now this men beating up on girls in fighting events
It will end when the real women unite and refuse to compete with these mentally ill men.
This started out as let them use the girls bathroom etc what could it hurt

To now this men beating up on girls in fighting events
Men beating up women is against the law, isn't it?

Yep, it started when Obama let boys who think they are girls that day, can enter the women's restroom. What a fucked up world we live in.
Apparently Khelif has Swyer Syndrome that is one of the reasons she/he has no breast development. She/he has a uterus and fallopian tubes but has makes testosterone and has XY chromosomes.
We need to start understanding that there is literally no purpose in talking to the left AT ALL. ZERO. They are not redeemable. Now actual main stream Democrats? Sure,...absolutely. There is a lot we can discuss and debate. They most likely are open to it as well. But the far left? Naw, waste of time. They are wired so totally different then the rest of us that we might as well be dealing with apes. They are a total separate species in a lot of ways. They are best just left alone to their own devices to fail. There is no changing of any minds in here when it comes to them,.....they have no actual understanding. Its best just to either laugh and point at them or treat them as non existent. They simply arent worth our time or effort.

If a mean stray dog bit you would you take the time to chase it down the street, catch it,.....then try to sit it down and ASK it why it bit you? Of course you wouldnt,....that would be foolish. Same situation with the far left. Its high time to kick the dust off of our feet and move on. Let them destroy themselves,....they ALWAYS do.
In just about any life situation you have to have the wisdom to ALLOW PEOPLE TO FAIL. They will either fail to the point where they FINALLY wake up and decide to take a different more positive course in life or they will fail themselves into nonexistence. Either way,....the problem gets solved. But by continuing to engage all you are doing is propping them up and dragging out the failure.