Man, do I love the McCain/Obama public contrast


New member
After the Wisconsin primary, McCain was in a small ballroom, speaking to about 30 people, with 12 or so bored looking people standing behind him. Obama was speaking to 15,000 in an arena in TX.

In yesterday's exchange, McCain was in a small room, with a smaller crowd, though still with 12 or so bored looking people standing behind him. Obama was speaking to thousands at a crazy rally in OH.

This dude is toast....
Obama..... still caught up in a tight race with Hitlary....

McCain... has nomination wrapped up.

But please, continue thinking that primary turnout is an indicator. Spread the word. Get complacent.

Obama is still out in front, no question, but if he gets to cozy to quickly he may just be left wondering how he ended up like Munster and the Bore.
Obama..... still caught up in a tight race with Hitlary....

McCain... has nomination wrapped up.

But please, continue thinking that primary turnout is an indicator. Spread the word. Get complacent.

Obama is still out in front, no question, but if he gets to cozy to quickly he may just be left wondering how he ended up like Munster and the Bore.

Please. Primary turnout has been friggin' enormous for Dems; if you don't think that is indicative of anything for the general, I can't do much for you.

Do you think McCain could fill an arena? He doesn't even have the support of talk radio. He's DOA.
Please. Primary turnout has been friggin' enormous for Dems; if you don't think that is indicative of anything for the general, I can't do much for you.

Do you think McCain could fill an arena? He doesn't even have the support of talk radio. He's DOA.

This discussion has been had on the board before. Dems have turned out in vastly greater numbers in each of the past 5 Presidential election cycles. It is not indicitive of turnout at the general election.
This discussion has been had on the board before. Dems have turned out in vastly greater numbers in each of the past 5 Presidential election cycles. It is not indicitive of turnout at the general election.

You can't be so blind. Look at everything; the enthusiasm on the Dem side this year is off the hook, on every level.

Look at the GOP & their default nominee. Rush Limbaugh isn't even gonna vote for the guy; we're talking about a very dispirited base, and things are not going to get better for them....
iraq war costs like 3Trillion. that trumps by like 10x anything that obama has planned.

LMAO... ok.

It doesn't matter what the money is spent on, it is the ability and desire of the individual to balance the budget and pay down the debt that matters.

We can argue hypothetical future costs of the Iraq war, national healthcare, tax increases/decreases all day long.

Other than his recent pandering to the base divergence, McCain has traditionally been against cutting taxes unless there are corresponding spending cuts. He has pushed to eliminate the earmarks from the system. He will bring us towards fiscal responsibility.

What has Obama done to show this? Don't get me wrong, I think Obama will work towards that goal as well, but he has done nothing to show he is going to be "far more fiscally responsibile" than McCain. (as you suggest)
You can't be so blind. Look at everything; the enthusiasm on the Dem side this year is off the hook, on every level.

Look at the GOP & their default nominee. Rush Limbaugh isn't even gonna vote for the guy; we're talking about a very dispirited base, and things are not going to get better for them....

Again, I understand you are enthusiastic. For once it appears, barring some disaster, that the Dems are going to put up a candidate that I like and respect. (not to say I agree with his policies) I get that the base is excited... and why.

I also agree that turnout is going to be harder against Obama than it would have been against Hitlary.

But the talk of.... its over.... this early in the race is a bit naive. Of course, as I mentioned, feel free to act like it is over... spread the word. Because that kind of complacency is how frontrunners lose.
LMAO... ok.

It doesn't matter what the money is spent on, it is the ability and desire of the individual to balance the budget and pay down the debt that matters.

We can argue hypothetical future costs of the Iraq war, national healthcare, tax increases/decreases all day long.

Other than his recent pandering to the base divergence, McCain has traditionally been against cutting taxes unless there are corresponding spending cuts. He has pushed to eliminate the earmarks from the system. He will bring us towards fiscal responsibility.

What has Obama done to show this? Don't get me wrong, I think Obama will work towards that goal as well, but he has done nothing to show he is going to be "far more fiscally responsible" than McCain. (as you suggest)

well i think mccain has traditionally been a very fiscal conservative. however hes got an addiction to military. I always say mccain drives the used car, brings the bag lunch to work.. saves him pennies in a jar.. but then once a quarter goes to the casino and blows it all.. Casino being iraq of course.

Also take note of what Volcker said when endorsing obama:
“After 30 years in government, serving under five Presidents of both parties and chairing two non-partisan commissions on the Public Service, I have been reluctant to engage in political campaigns. The time has come to overcome that reluctance,” Mr. Volcker said in a statement today. “However, it is not the current turmoil in markets or the economic uncertainties that have impelled my decision. Rather, it is the breadth and depth of challenges that face our nation at home and abroad. Those challenges demand a new leadership and a fresh approach.”

He concluded: “It is only Barack Obama, in his person, in his ideas, in his ability to understand and to articulate both our needs and our hopes that provide the potential for strong and fresh leadership. That leadership must begin here in America but it can also restore needed confidence in our vision, our strength, and our purposes right around the world.”
well i think mccain has traditionally been a very fiscal conservative. however hes got an addiction to military. I always say mccain drives the used car, brings the bag lunch to work.. saves him pennies in a jar.. but then once a quarter goes to the casino and blows it all.. Casino being iraq of course.

Also take note of what Volcker said when endorsing obama:
“After 30 years in government, serving under five Presidents of both parties and chairing two non-partisan commissions on the Public Service, I have been reluctant to engage in political campaigns. The time has come to overcome that reluctance,” Mr. Volcker said in a statement today. “However, it is not the current turmoil in markets or the economic uncertainties that have impelled my decision. Rather, it is the breadth and depth of challenges that face our nation at home and abroad. Those challenges demand a new leadership and a fresh approach.”

He concluded: “It is only Barack Obama, in his person, in his ideas, in his ability to understand and to articulate both our needs and our hopes that provide the potential for strong and fresh leadership. That leadership must begin here in America but it can also restore needed confidence in our vision, our strength, and our purposes right around the world.”

I like Volker, always have. But what exactly did he just say there? That Obama can articulate our needs and hopes and provide potential for leadership..... Where was the part about.... SOLUTIONS. I don't care if Obama can tell us in grand oratory fashion what our needs and hopes are. I know what my needs and hopes are for our "leaders".

I think Volker wants back in the game... maybe as Sec Treas. Unless Volker wants to articulate WHY he thinks Obama is going to get us in fiscal shape, then this is just another endorsement.