Man, Obama IS Popular!

Hamas supports Obama, the Communists in China and Russia support Obama, Ahmadinejad supports Obama, Castro supports Obama, however, alSadr and OBL are still undecided.

Man, the guy IS popular!! :cof1:
LOL... still stuck on Bush, huh? Sad to hear that.

I wonder why pinheads aren't all that concerned about Hamas and the terrorists supporting their guy? Sometimes I think it may be because you guys can relate to them, being "radical" and all. You never really have been all that fired up about defeating them, and I think it's because you secretly identify with them, they are your friends. You probably think they flew planes into buildings on 9/11 because they were pissed off that Bush stole the election.

Bush declaring war on them, well... that was all it took for most of you, that cinched the deal, if Bush is against them, you just naturally have to be for them! Doesn't matter they want to saw your heads off and make us all submit to Sharia Law, I guess you figure on getting some liberal hot-shot lawyers to get you guys a pass on the abiding by Sharia thing, or maybe you believe Sharia Law is not so bad, it is so close to Socialism, you are willing to accept it? Not sure what pinheads are thinking these days, or even IF they are thinking.
Take a look at "",,, and

These are four of the main "progressive" sites on the Web, and account for much of the Democratic Party's organization and fund-raising.

Daily you see vile, anti-Semitic slurs posted on these web-sites. This anti-Semitism is encouraged by the site owners, and those who post anti-Israeli statements are seldom censored and virtually never boycotted from posting.

Conversely, there is significant amounts of posting supporting Palestinian suicide bombers, Hezbollah, Hamas, and CAIR.

Iran is touted as a "progressive" country which "has a right to nuclear weapons" simply because the US has such weapons.

These sites support liberal icons like Ward Churchhill who argued that "America deserved it" on 9/11 and sees terrorism as justified given the history of the crusades and Middle East politics (this, of course, ignores the fact that the ME nations and people supported Hitler during WWII).
Take a look at "",,, and

These are four of the main "progressive" sites on the Web, and account for much of the Democratic Party's organization and fund-raising.

Daily you see vile, anti-Semitic slurs posted on these web-sites. This anti-Semitism is encouraged by the site owners, and those who post anti-Israeli statements are seldom censored and virtually never boycotted from posting.

Conversely, there is significant amounts of posting supporting Palestinian suicide bombers, Hezbollah, Hamas, and CAIR.

Iran is touted as a "progressive" country which "has a right to nuclear weapons" simply because the US has such weapons.

These sites support liberal icons like Ward Churchhill who argued that "America deserved it" on 9/11 and sees terrorism as justified given the history of the crusades and Middle East politics (this, of course, ignores the fact that the ME nations and people supported Hitler during WWII).

So is that why Liberals aren't so fired up about defeating alQeda? They share the same anti-Semitic view? I have noticed that most of them want to question why we are allies with Israel, and if you look at the European Socialist model most Liberals endorse, it's full of Jew Hating Nazi's, so maybe that's it? It is perplexing, you'd think the Liberals would be opposed to radical religious fundamentalists, but as long as they are killin' Jews, I guess it's acceptable to them.

Still not sure if they fully understand this Sharia Law thing, do they realize Sharia doesn't allow for Gay Marriage?
Oh come on now, it's not like an American electorate is going to make a bad Presidential choice.
LOL... still stuck on Bush, huh? Sad to hear that.

I wonder why pinheads aren't all that concerned about Hamas and the terrorists supporting their guy? Sometimes I think it may be because you guys can relate to them, being "radical" and all. You never really have been all that fired up about defeating them, and I think it's because you secretly identify with them, they are your friends. You probably think they flew planes into buildings on 9/11 because they were pissed off that Bush stole the election.

Bush declaring war on them, well... that was all it took for most of you, that cinched the deal, if Bush is against them, you just naturally have to be for them! Doesn't matter they want to saw your heads off and make us all submit to Sharia Law, I guess you figure on getting some liberal hot-shot lawyers to get you guys a pass on the abiding by Sharia thing, or maybe you believe Sharia Law is not so bad, it is so close to Socialism, you are willing to accept it? Not sure what pinheads are thinking these days, or even IF they are thinking.

Oh yes while you wingnut Republicans have done such a WONDERDFUL job of keeping America Secure.

Let's see what you've accomplished.

You let Osama bin Ladin get away, he's alive and well and leading Al Queada with no real intent to capture or kill him.

You dropped the ball in Afghanistan and it's about to revert back to a failied fundamentalist islamic state that supported those that DID knock down the twin towers.

You invaded a soveriegn foreign nation that was certainly not a clear and present danger to US national security. You failed to provide enough presonnell to prevent an insurgency and now were bogged down in an expensive and failing occupation.

You lied to this nation in the run up to war and and failed to learn the lesson of Vietnam that this nation will not support liars.

You've radicalized most of the middle east against the US and Israel making us a sitting duck for terrorist.

You've become the best recruiters for Al Quaeda who's ranks have swelled in numbers since you mislead this country into invading iraq.

You've made our nation profoundly less safe then before you obtained political power.

You've made a nation that was once the worlds becon for liberty and freedon into the most feared and loathed power on the planet thus again making us considerably less safe while at home you've persecuted and spied on those who have actually practiced freedom and liberty.

Dixie, you wingnuts have had your run and you've consigned yourselves to the dust bin of history if, for nothing else, being utterly incompetent.

So you can posture all you want to but it's time for you knuckle draggers to shut the fuck up and get out of the way of the competent people of this country who know how to get things done and don't give a rats ass if their called conservative, liberal, democrat or republican but only give a damn that their an American.

Your day is done pal.
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How is America "less safe" today than it was in the rosy days of BJ Clinton, who refused to take any meaningful action against your fellow Jew-haters, even though they bombed the WTC and our embassies and killed our soldiers and sailors with impunity?

Thanks to President Bush, since 2001 there have been no successful Islamic attacks on US soil, no successful Islamic attack on any US embassy abroad, and no successful Islamic attack on the US military outside of the warzones where they kill Islamofascists to keep you safe.

Thanks to President Bush, we have the Patriot Act and the War on Terror, which have neutralized Islamic attacks on the US, our embassies, and our noncombatant military.

We have destroyed or cowed three state sponsors of terrorism: the Taliban, Saddam and Khadafi.

So, how is America "less safe"?

Anti-Western Muslims and hate-filled leftists share your frustration that under Bush's leadership, America projects strength and power that confound the Islamofascists who wish to murder you and your fellow citizens.

Or have terrorists camped out in your backyard, slashed your tires, or stolen your recycling bin?
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