Marching for peace, protesters end up being manipulated

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
The soldiers of the IDF seemed in marked contrast to the hate filled rapists and their campus supporters taking joy in the brutal murders of October 7. Asked about the complicit nature of Hamas supporters in Gaza, he was adamant about the goal of protecting civilians. He then gave this example. Following a battle, his group was told that an ambulance was coming to collect the enemy dead and they should hold fire. When the ambulance arrived, his team watched as Hamas fighters climbed out and planted bombs while the ambulance crew removed the bodies. One can imagine watching the enemy plant bombs and holding your fire because they were part of a humanitarian mission. But as the soldier said, "That is who we are." (Later reflecting on what he said, I thought about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah when for the sake of 10 righteous, the entire city of evildoers could be spared. Now for the sake of the 30% who did not support Hamas, as many civilians as possible should be spared. Although I could be reading too much into it.)
