Marco Rubio: 'I'd Come Here Illegally'


Well, well, well. Looks like Romney's best hope for the Latino vote just went up in smoke. How the fuck can Romney name Rubio as his running mate when the neanderthal GOP base has worked overtime to demonize 'illegals' as criminal vermin?? (see; Arizona, Minutemen, etc.)

Rubio Says He Would Immigrate To The U.S. Illegally ‘If My Kids Went To Sleep Hungry Every Night'


In the new memoir An American Son, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) — the son of Cuban immigrants — reveals that he would be willing to cross the border into the United States illegally to provide a better life for him and his family:

“Many people who come here illegally are doing exactly what we would do if we lived in a country where we couldn’t feed our families,” Rubio writes in his book, which went on sale Tuesday. “If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn’t give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn’t a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here.”

Rubio has been exploring the possibility of introducing a Republican-backed version of the DREAM Act, but announced on Monday that he is unlikely to pursue the effort in the wake of President Obama’s directive asking the Department of Homeland Security to defer deportations for some undocumented young people.

The senator has called Obama’s directive “welcome news,” but claimed that Obama is “dividing even Hispanics against other groups of Hispanics” with his order. It “sets back our efforts to arrive at a balanced and responsible approach to this issue. It poisons the well. It leads to mistrust,” Rubio claimed.
Could someone please post something about the GOP that isn't hysterically funny? Oh wait, nevermind.
Possibilities for comedy are wide open for the GOP because their standards are in the toilet. That's why they're golden for comedians like Maher.
Good for Rubio, acknowledging why "illegals " ( hate that term - i use "undocumented") might want to come here.
He's actually sane, the problem is he's tied to a party that is not.
Good for Rubio, acknowledging why "illegals " ( hate that term - i use "undocumented") might want to come here.
He's actually sane, the problem is he's tied to a party that is not.

Well, he has 100% control over that, now doesn't he? Why on earth does he stay in the party that demonizes the very people in situations in which he now says he'd do the exact same thing?

Well, he has 100% control over that, now doesn't he? Why on earth does he stay in the party that demonizes the very people in situations in which he now says he'd do the exact same thing?

Whay does ANYONE stay in ANY party? it's the height of stupidity to drag an ideology around, even more stupid to support partisan politicians.
Partys are how politicians organize -i'm not a politician, so no need for me to "organize" along a partisian line.

I prefer Independent thought -no offense intended - I guess it's part of my Buddhist thought of being free from "clinging to attachments" -of any kind/
I would as well. But does that mean I would demand you give me everything that is due a citizen?
Whay does ANYONE stay in ANY party? it's the height of stupidity to drag an ideology around, even more stupid to support partisan politicians.
Partys are how politicians organize -i'm not a politician, so no need for me to "organize" along a partisian line.

I prefer Independent thought -no offense intended - I guess it's part of my Buddhist thought of being free from "clinging to attachments" -of any kind/

I am weak, I need attachments, like my friends and family.
I would as well. But does that mean I would demand you give me everything that is due a citizen?
NO!!!!! you must partake in the duopoly. It's not actually in the Constitution, but by gum -it's the AMERICAN WAY!! :rolleyes:

EDIT: think I misunderstood. LOL
just to clarify, we al have attachments, it's health and normal. It is the "Clinging" that causes suffering. the basic tenet of Buddist thought:

"all things are impermanent" - so enjoy family friends, hobbies, everything that makes you happy, just recognize that these things come and go thru your life.

Only when one clings to any attachment ( refuses to recognize impermanence) does suffering occur.
What is 'due' a citizen that illegal immigrants are 'demanding'?

Well, for starters I would understand that I would have to pay for college at a level different than citizens of a state. I wouldn't expect coverage I hadn't personally purchased for health care and would understand that the "safety nets" are for people who came legally or were citizens. I would not expect nor seek things like food stamps. I would understand that such things are for people who come legally or are citizens...

Those are just a few. If I sneaked in, I would not expect nor demand to be treated as well as those who followed the rules for entry...
Well, for starters I would understand that I would have to pay for college at a level different than citizens of a state. I wouldn't expect coverage I hadn't personally purchased for health care and would understand that the "safety nets" are for people who came legally or were citizens. I would not expect nor seek things like food stamps. I would understand that such things are for people who come legally or are citizens...

Those are just a few. If I sneaked in, I would not expect nor demand to be treated as well as those who followed the rules for entry...

Even though they are children whose parents brought them and they have paid taxes and have lived within the laws of our country, some even serving in the military?
Even though they are children whose parents brought them and they have paid taxes and have lived within the laws of our country, some even serving in the military?
First you should understand I was agreeing with Rubio, I too would enter the nation illegally. I just would not expect the same treatment as people who came legally.

As a parent I would understand the circumstances and consequences of my entry for both myself and my family, and would both inform and promote the understanding that we will be treated differently because we did not correctly enter like the parents of other immigrants and should not expect the same as they would be able to obtain.

It's always easy to play on emotion. "But this person here... surely you don't mean it!"

Yeah. I would understand I was taking a risk and that I was responsible for the risk I brought my child into as well.
So, to understand the events correctly, the Democrats, led by Saint Obama are now saying that illegal immigrants that were brought here as children may now stay without worry of deportation for at least several years? So all the harping about outsourcing jobs was just pandering to one part of their base? Now they will allow these illegal immigrants to stay and either take jobs away from American citizens or live off the tax payers dime?

Well, at least it isn't outsourcing. They just import the cheap illegal labor.
So, to understand the events correctly, the Democrats, led by Saint Obama are now saying that illegal immigrants that were brought here as children may now stay without worry of deportation for at least several years? So all the harping about outsourcing jobs was just pandering to one part of their base? Now they will allow these illegal immigrants to stay and either take jobs away from American citizens or live off the tax payers dime?

Well, at least it isn't outsourcing. They just import the cheap illegal labor.

So, to understand the events correctly, the Democrats, led by Saint Obama are now saying that illegal immigrants that were brought here as children may now stay without worry of deportation for at least several years? So all the harping about outsourcing jobs was just pandering to one part of their base? Now they will allow these illegal immigrants to stay and either take jobs away from American citizens or live off the tax payers dime?

Well, at least it isn't outsourcing. They just import the cheap illegal labor.

Cite your proof that immigrants are taking jobs that US citizens want, thanks.
Cite your proof that immigrants are taking jobs that US citizens want, thanks.

I stated they are either taking jobs, which otherwise would go to US citizens or they are living off the taxpayers. I suppose a third possibility is they are living off of criminal means. Kind of has to be one of those three.

You are in Alaska, so probably don't see too much of it up there, but if you were here, you could ask any construction worker if there is a fight with illegal immigrants for jobs around here.

Is a decent take on it.