Marriage is only between a man and a woman

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Pope Francis has reiterated that marriage can only be defined as a union of one man and one woman, explaining that “we cannot change it.”

In a series of interviews with French sociologist Dominique Wolton that was published Wednesday in a book whose title translates to “Politics and Society,” the pontiff reaffirmed marriage.

“We cannot change it. This is the nature of things,” explained Francis, adding that gays should have “civil unions.”

Francis referred to abortion as “murder of an innocent person.” He added that women who’ve had abortions can be forgiven, stating that “if there is sin, forgiveness must be facilitated.”

“Teaching children that they can choose their gender, he said, also plays a part in fostering such mistakes about the truth or facts of nature,” reported Catholic News Service, which got an advanced copy of the book.

Marriage is a legal and binding contract between 2 people. If you doubt that, get a divorce and the legal system will make it clear. Marriage in the past was about power and money. It how kingdoms were merged and stayed on top. The pope is wrong.
Marriage is a legal and binding contract between 2 people. If you doubt that, get a divorce and the legal system will make it clear. Marriage in the past was about power and money. It how kingdoms were merged and stayed on top. The pope is wrong.

Are you saying the Muslims are wrong, too?