MARUBO Tribe gets internet - immediately becomes addicted to porn & social media. Become Lazy and quit working


Harris - make America a 3rd world shithole
Amazon comes to the Amazon.

"Starlink satellite internet access has reached a remote tribe deep in the Amazon rainforest, and now elders say young people are "lazy" and hooked on social media and pornography. "

"Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet," one tribe member told The Times. "They’re learning the ways of the white people."

Amazon comes to the Amazon.

"Starlink satellite internet access has reached a remote tribe deep in the Amazon rainforest, and now elders say young people are "lazy" and hooked on social media and pornography. "

"Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet," one tribe member told The Times. "They’re learning the ways of the white people."

And here you are. On the internet.
Is "MARUBO Tribe" what you and your friends call yourselves?😆

Is this tribal appropriation by white libs who think they are Black?


Amazon comes to the Amazon.

"Starlink satellite internet access has reached a remote tribe deep in the Amazon rainforest, and now elders say young people are "lazy" and hooked on social media and pornography. "

"Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet," one tribe member told The Times. "They’re learning the ways of the white people."

I'd love to see the statistics of how much porn old white conservative men watch.

I didn't even know who Stormy Daniels was until she was in the news. Your Messiah not only knew who she was, he went out of his way to fuck her without a condom while his new wife was at home with their baby.
I'd love to see the statistics of how much porn old white conservative men watch.

I didn't even know who Stormy Daniels was until she was in the news. Your Messiah not only knew who she was, he went out of his way to fuck her without a condom while his new wife was at home with their baby.
Lying pajama Soy Boy incel.

There is no cum stained blue dress like there was with Hillary.
Amazon comes to the Amazon.

"Starlink satellite internet access has reached a remote tribe deep in the Amazon rainforest, and now elders say young people are "lazy" and hooked on social media and pornography. "

"Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet," one tribe member told The Times. "They’re learning the ways of the white people."

I thought this was the Babylon Bee. It's real? Dayum....
I'd love to see the statistics of how much porn old white conservative men watch.

I didn't even know who Stormy Daniels was until she was in the news. Your Messiah not only knew who she was, he went out of his way to fuck her without a condom while his new wife was at home with their baby.
Bigdog is an old conservative, but he isn't white, so that doesn't bother him in the least.

In case you haven't noticed, he hates white people.
Cracka pleez,

The only thing the posing white lib pols are missing is Black Face.
And black people just eat all that "whiteys be showin' respeck fo' Kwanza n'shee-it" shit up with a spoon.

White politicians have to play that game in order to get blacks off their asses and into the voting booth on election day.