Mass Deportation Is Fascism We need to recognize the plan for what it is and call out its likely horrific consequences.


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

Of all the things I’ve seen come out of the Republican convention, these placards are the most chilling.

They refer to one of Donald Trump’s key promises: mass deportation of all undocumented immigrants in the U.S. That’s at least 10, maybe even as high as 20, million people.

It’s hard for the human brain to wrap itself around such a huge number, which is partly the point. To put some context to this, the policy would impact some 1 in 20 households in America where there is at least one undocumented immigrant living there.

This policy, if implemented as promised, would cause massive disruptions to our economy, a subject I am covering later in a video with Prof. Robert Reich. Suffice it to say here that undocumented immigrants make up a huge percentage of the essential workers in our economy, performing jobs few Americans want, from picking our crops, to caring for our sick, to hauling our trash. Deporting them or forcing them into hiding would disrupt our supply chains, our food distribution, our construction and manufacturing, and critical services, just as we are recovering from the impact of the pandemic.

In today’s piece, I want to discuss the humanitarian nightmare this would create. Specifically, I will highlight how Trump is using “mass deportation” as part of a fascist playbook. If implemented, mass deportation would create a dystopian hellscape that few would recognize in modern America.

Of all the things I’ve seen come out of the Republican convention, these placards are the most chilling.

They refer to one of Donald Trump’s key promises: mass deportation of all undocumented immigrants in the U.S. That’s at least 10, maybe even as high as 20, million people.

It’s hard for the human brain to wrap itself around such a huge number, which is partly the point. To put some context to this, the policy would impact some 1 in 20 households in America where there is at least one undocumented immigrant living there.

This policy, if implemented as promised, would cause massive disruptions to our economy, a subject I am covering later in a video with Prof. Robert Reich. Suffice it to say here that undocumented immigrants make up a huge percentage of the essential workers in our economy, performing jobs few Americans want, from picking our crops, to caring for our sick, to hauling our trash. Deporting them or forcing them into hiding would disrupt our supply chains, our food distribution, our construction and manufacturing, and critical services, just as we are recovering from the impact of the pandemic.

In today’s piece, I want to discuss the humanitarian nightmare this would create. Specifically, I will highlight how Trump is using “mass deportation” as part of a fascist playbook. If implemented, mass deportation would create a dystopian hellscape that few would recognize in modern America.
Why are LWers always so stupid? Why can they never ever remember anything they have said on earlier dates? Or, it that they just lie indiscriminantely and say whatever benefits them at the time?

For instance,..........the left has always denied and down played the true amount of undocumented illegals here in our country. Many insisted the number was as low as 5 to 10 million at best which is laughable. Just like when they denied the caravans even existed at all , ...they simply just lie and keep lying even as the story changes. Now when they think it benefits them they say the numbers are 10 to 20 million. All you people do is lie. Full stop. As reality changes you simply craft the lies around it,...your lies are fluid and ever changing as if you never told the earlier lies. You people are NUTS.
Remove them. They don't belong here.
Fine every employer who hires them.
Arrest those who hide/house them.
Illegals are a drain on our resources.
They refer to one of Donald Trump’s key promises: mass deportation of all undocumented immigrants in the U.S. That’s at least 10, maybe even as high as 20, million people.

We sane Americans can't wait until Trump gets the chance to deport every single one of biden's illegal criminals out of
our country. I know, by deporting these dem favored illegals, the dems will be upset that their illegals will have to give up
their tax paid free food, free housing, free cell phones, and their get out of jail free cards to go back to their 3rd world