Math not going to work for Hillary....

If you give hillary 165-140 supers.. (about the split now) she needs to win every contest by 64-36% just to get the delegate lead.
yeah... she would have to pick up 70% of the remaining supers to have a chance. It will be interesting if the supers break that heavy for her... it will likely be that both are short of the 2025 barrier and we will then see how Edwards 26 delegates break.
yeah... she would have to pick up 70% of the remaining supers to have a chance. It will be interesting if the supers break that heavy for her... it will likely be that both are short of the 2025 barrier and we will then see how Edwards 26 delegates break.
It may be a brokered convention if that happened and there would be a possibility that neither could end up with the nomination.
unless she seats Florida.

I was really liking you this morning until you said this.

She'll probably figure out a way to seat MI, too, since it was a "fair vote" in her eyes. Dean & the DNC are terrified of her; she's going to will her way to victory.

It's must-win Tuesday for Obama next week; he really needs to win both states to put her away. It's a good thing that there are no distractions for him this week.
The Clintons aren't stupid. They know this nomination is over just like everybody else who's paying attention.

The Clintons are running their 2012 campaign right now and the first order of business is to ensure that Obama doesn't win in November. They've been running for 2012 since they first started praising McCain.

The Clintons know that race is a factor in this election and they used it in Pennsylvania and they will continue to use it straight into the general election.
I was really liking you this morning until you said this.

She'll probably figure out a way to seat MI, too, since it was a "fair vote" in her eyes. Dean & the DNC are terrified of her; she's going to will her way to victory.

It's must-win Tuesday for Obama next week; he really needs to win both states to put her away. It's a good thing that there are no distractions for him this week.

She was "put away" mathematically about a month and a half ago. The Dem leadership is just too chickenshit to confront her.