Maybe if THIS guy had been the VP for McCain this would not have happened.


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Crist extends voting hours

This is a very big deal: Florida Governor Charlie Crist, to the shock and dismay of Florida Republicans, just moved to extend early voting hours, a move likely to widen the Democrats' lead under a program on which the Obama campaign has intensely focused.

"He just blew Florida for John McCain," one plugged in Florida Republican just told me.

The Buzz reports:

At a hastily arranged news conference, Crist said the right to vote is sacred and that "many have fought and died for this right." He said he consulted a leading Democratic legislator, Rep. Dan Gelber of Miami Beach, before issuing his order, and that Gelber knew of a similar order issued by Gov. Jeb Bush in 2002 that dealt with helping voters deal with new equipment.

As to the perception that more early voting helps Democrats, Crist said: "This is not a political decision. This is a people decision."

Democrats had urged the extension, which means that votes will be cast 12 hours a day, not eight hours a day.
What's the catch?

If there is none methinks Crist is pissed at McCain and is screwing him just as Crist believes McCain screwed him with the Palin pick.
Who knows why he really did it.

I hope hes telling the truth and that they dont have something up their sleaves.

It does reinforce the complete fact that republicans win when fewer people vote.

Its why they do everything they can tp keep people from voting.
What's the catch?

If there is none methinks Crist is pissed at McCain and is screwing him just as Crist believes McCain screwed him with the Palin pick.

One could clearly belive that if they choose. However, this kind of bipartisian leadership on issues like this one is consistant with the guy's past governing style.
I was going to say, Crist is even pretty popular with Dems in Florida from what I understand.

I really like him. I dont care that he is an R, he has been a great governor.

Thus far, I will vote for his reelection. I did not however vote for him the first time.