Mcain is almost as vigourus as Bob Dole


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whether you like the fossil analogy or the limp noddle, either way he ain't winning shit but a Dole like runner up award.:clink:
I really think we’ve all overrated McCain for a long time. I don’t think he can beat Hillary. And there is just no way in hell he’s going to beat Obama. You put two guys up on a stage, one can barely walk if you’ve noticed, and has a mad look in his eyes. Mad as in, crazy. He also has a furious temper, which shows. He’s always on edge. Always telling you the bad news. My friends, there’s going to be more wars. My friends, they hate us. My friends, we have enemies. My friends, we might be in Iraq one hundred years.

Jesus Christ, I am glad not to be one of his friends!

Then you put next to him, a young, good-looking, energetic guy, who’s smart and personable and has an easy-going way about him, who can be very funny, and who isn’t obsessed with everyone who is trying to kill him and us, and all of our families. A guy who says, hey you know, maybe we can talk to some of these countries. Open a dialogue.

I think McCain is overrated and he’s going to fold like a cheap Japanese camera in the general. I think it’s going to be an electoral landslide.
A couple of weeks ago I would have completely disagreed. Now I'm on the fence about his ability to beat hillary.
Seriously I see the worst comments from republicans. Saying is he awake he looks like he's sleeping. ala Reagan at the end of his 2nd term.
vs. Obama filing stadiums 18,000 at a time.

It's a dem landslide is it's Obam, and vs Hillary she gets him by a couple percent easy
id like to see an obama/hillary ticket, but i doubt that will happen since the mudslinging thats been going on between them

btw i re-registered as a dem. i didn't like any of the people i had to choose from in the primary... i did vote for ron paul though.
It's possible for Hillary to beat him, but I would say it's not likely. She will get sucked into his game of being "tougher on the War" and she will lose.

I still say Obama is the Democrats best bet. I for one, would be supporting him if he gets the Democratic nod.
The Democrats have an advantage either way. Obama's advantage isn't as big as most people think and Hillary doesn't have the big disadvantage everyone thinks.
I'm just happy that he doesn't refer to himself in the third person....

Damocles doesn't like it when candidates do that.