MCain To End Greed!

hold on.... I thought Reagan taught us that 'greed is good'? Remember that? Maybe the diddoheads here are to young to remember. This seems like a flip flop in Republicon ideology, no?

"On January 20, 1981, in his first inaugural address, Ronald Reagan told the nation: "Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem."

Thus began a grand experiment: Release the American economy from the bonds of government regulation. Individual enterprise and initiative, the profit motive, the free market and open competition will usher in a new birth of freedom and a new era of unprecedented prosperity...

...Clearly, the “great experiment” – down with government and up with “the unregulated free market” – has failed. It has proven itself to be bad for our workers, bad for our families and our children, bad for the moral tone of our society, bad for the natural environment, bad for future generations, and eventually it will prove bad for those very few who are now enjoying lavish prosperity at the expense of the rest of us. For in the long run, there is no prosperity on a ruined planet, and few of the privileged wealthy will remain so when the economy they have promoted collapses.

We have before us the results of the great experiment. Now it is past time to end it. The sooner and the more decisively we do so, the better it will be for all of us."
I have a feeling that we won't be able to 'end' neo con economic policies, I think it will need to be killed.
hold on.... I thought Reagan taught us that 'greed is good'? Remember that? Maybe the diddoheads here are to young to remember. This seems like a flip flop in Republicon ideology, no?

"On January 20, 1981, in his first inaugural address, Ronald Reagan told the nation: "Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem."

Thus began a grand experiment: Release the American economy from the bonds of government regulation. Individual enterprise and initiative, the profit motive, the free market and open competition will usher in a new birth of freedom and a new era of unprecedented prosperity...

...Clearly, the “great experiment” – down with government and up with “the unregulated free market” – has failed. It has proven itself to be bad for our workers, bad for our families and our children, bad for the moral tone of our society, bad for the natural environment, bad for future generations, and eventually it will prove bad for those very few who are now enjoying lavish prosperity at the expense of the rest of us. For in the long run, there is no prosperity on a ruined planet, and few of the privileged wealthy will remain so when the economy they have promoted collapses.

We have before us the results of the great experiment. Now it is past time to end it. The sooner and the more decisively we do so, the better it will be for all of us."

No, you are seeing why McCain has been considered a "maverick" because people liked that he didn't follow Republican ideology such as that. It also is an example of why McCain was having trouble firing up his base pre Sarah Palin.
...Clearly, the “great experiment” – down with government and up with “the unregulated free market” – has failed.

Are you on crack? We just got done with the greatest leap of prosperity in the history of man.
"Let’s take a test.
Who does the following describe: A wealthy and hot-tempered rebel, he spent half his life fighting to live up to a famous father and grandfather, encouraged always by an indomitable mother. A self-described moderate on the campaign trail, he courts ultra-right-wing preachers behind the scenes and promises to appoint stridently conservative judges. A multimillionaire who supports more tax cuts for more millionaires, he surrounds himself with supply-siders and calls for policies that would drive us deeper into debt. The chief cheerleader for the war in Iraq, he said we’d be “welcomed as liberators” and angrily challenges anyone who questions his distorted and out-of-touch view of reality.

A self-styled reformer, his Kitchen Cabinet is stocked with Washington lobbyists. Deeply out of touch on economic issues, he repeats nostrums like “the fundamentals are strong” even as the fundamentals are deteriorating. He carefully courts the press, who suck up to him even though he supports authoritarian policies like wiretapping Americans without a court order. He is supported by oil company lobbyists and supports drilling in some of our most sensitive ecosystems. Although he gladly accepts government health care for himself, he would abandon you to take on colossal insurance corporations on your own. Charming and disarming at first blush, his wit masks a petulant temper and a self-righteous streak that even members of his own party worry about.

If you guessed George W. Bush, you’re right. And if you guessed John McCain, you’re also right."

It really doesnt matter who you Republicons put up there. You're grand experiment, greed is good, 'conservative' ideology has been proven wrong and damaging and its time you realized it, if you can.
Are you on crack? We just got done with the greatest leap of prosperity in the history of man.

If you don't like the govt. of this country swinging back to the middle take the money you made in the stock market this week and buy yourself an island... arent you glad your social security wasnt privatized?
No, I wish SS was private. The stock market, like always will be fine long run, in fact black Monday of 87 was about 5 times worse than any day we've had here and things were just fine after that.

Are you dumb enough to believe that if the Stock Market crash is long run the Government would have money to pay SS? Where will they get it? Print it? LOL
Short run stock market crash, long run stock market crash, another republicon depression? Who knows? What I'm saying is that conservative savage capitalism ideology has gotten us into this mess and it's time to see it for what it is.

If the sm crashes, yes, it will effect SS payments to those who need it. But since the American people said no to privatization (profitization) of SS, those drawing it will not starve.