McBush STILL trying to duck debate


Well-known member
He STILL wants to duck the debate, even after a bill was passed. I so totally called this. McCain made a nakedly political move to duck the debate. And also, to buy time for Palin who looked like a blithering fool on CBS. Man, we are so beyond Dan Quayle territory here.

Look, the bill passed without the old man's help. Like I said yesterday, they DIDN'T NEED HIM THERE, in any substantial way. And then when it passed, without his help, he wants to duck the debate anyway.

McCain campaign welcomes news of bailout agreement but won't commit to Friday debate

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- John McCain's campaign expressed cautious optimism Thursday as congressional Republicans and Democrats agreed in principle on a $700 billion bailout of the financial industry hours before the two presidential candidates were to meet with President Bush on the crisis.

Even so, the action didn't appear to be strong enough to convince McCain to attend Friday's scheduled presidential debate. His campaign has said he wouldn't participate unless there was consensus between Congress and the administration, and a spokesman said the afternoon developments had not changed his plans.
He STILL wants to duck the debate, even after a bill was passed. I so totally called this. McCain made a nakedly political move to duck the debate. And also, to buy time for Palin who looked like a blithering fool on CBS. Man, we are so beyond Dan Quayle territory here.

Look, the bill passed without the old man's help. Like I said yesterday, they DIDN'T NEED HIM THERE, in any substantial way. And then when it passed, without his help, he wants to duck the debate anyway.

McCain campaign welcomes news of bailout agreement but won't commit to Friday debate

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- John McCain's campaign expressed cautious optimism Thursday as congressional Republicans and Democrats agreed in principle on a $700 billion bailout of the financial industry hours before the two presidential candidates were to meet with President Bush on the crisis.

Even so, the action didn't appear to be strong enough to convince McCain to attend Friday's scheduled presidential debate. His campaign has said he wouldn't participate unless there was consensus between Congress and the administration, and a spokesman said the afternoon developments had not changed his plans.

Basically, McCain is saying he has to get permission from Bush to debate Obama.

What a tool.
All of a sudden this afternoon there are mumblings of Boehner not being happy with the bill and wanting to put out an alternative. I think he got a phone call. Let's see what happens, but I won't be surprised if the repuke congress people postpone a final deal on orders from McCain becasue he doesn't want this debate, and he also wants to be able to claim they needed him to come to a "final agreement".

His people are all over the airwaves today already claiming that John McCain turned this thing around just by showing up today, I kid you not.
All of a sudden this afternoon there are mumblings of Boehner not being happy with the bill and wanting to put out an alternative. I think he got a phone call. Let's see what happens, but I won't be surprised if the repuke congress people postpone a final deal on orders from McCain becasue he doesn't want this debate, and he also wants to be able to claim they needed him to come to a "final agreement".

His people are all over the airwaves today already claiming that John McCain turned this thing around just by showing up today, I kid you not.

Oh, I hadn't heard that.

I totally agree with your assessment.

McCain and Obama's expertise is not needed. They're not on the banking committees, and its out of their jurdiction. This is the fucking 21st century, than can stay updated and informed of developments electronically, and they can fly back to washington on a moments notice if their votes are needed.

What is so hard to understand about this? This is naked Rovian politics. That's what I think anyway
Oh, I hadn't heard that.

I totally agree with your assessment.

McCain and Obama's expertise is not needed. They're not on the banking committees, and its out of their jurdiction. This is the fucking 21st century, than can stay updated and informed of developments electronically, and they can fly back to washington on a moments notice if their votes are needed.

What is so hard to understand about this? This is naked Rovian politics. That's what I think anyway

Yeah I am home today because I had a dining room set delivery coming, and I found out that I get much less stress at work. What a bunch of horseshit is on the airwaves during the day. It is as if you had 500 Damo's each shoveling it as fast as they can.
It's a really odd situation. McCain disagreed with the bailout. Said the fundamentals are strong. Then claimed we are headed for a depression and agreed with the bailout and wants to take credit for it. Now a deal is reached (and the House Minority Whip has confirmed it) but McCain still won't debate Obama without a permission slip from Bush.

It's all batshit insane.
It's a really odd situation. McCain disagreed with the bailout. Said the fundamentals are strong. Then claimed we are headed for a depression and agreed with the bailout and wants to take credit for it. Now a deal is reached (and the House Minority Whip has confirmed it) but McCain still won't debate Obama without a permission slip from Bush.

It's all batshit insane.

So no chance they are trying to postpone the deal for long enough to get out of the debate and give McCain credit? That'd be better. None of it makes sense at all. He looks like such a damned fool.
So no chance they are trying to postpone the deal for long enough to get out of the debate and give McCain credit? That'd be better. None of it makes sense at all. He looks like such a damned fool.

I'm not saying they won't try it. To reference a popular blogger, it's a classic Lucy with football move and the Democrats are Charlie Brown. If history is any guide that's exactly what the Republicans will do and the Democrats will fall for it.
I'm not saying they won't try it. To reference a popular blogger, it's a classic Lucy with football move and the Democrats are Charlie Brown. If history is any guide that's exactly what the Republicans will do and the Democrats will fall for it.


And then they will be talking about how the maverick got a deal together, and de-politicized the bailout, when he did the exact opposite. Just like today, reporters kept repeating that "McCain has suspended his campaign" and then they would go to Tucker Bounds, or Nicole Wallace or that other blonde lady with the injected lips, and they would just slander Obama. Geez I'd hate to see what they'd be doing if they hadn't suspended the campaign. It's kind of surreal to even watch.
I just hope expectations are so low for Mcain that after Obama blows him out the water they don't come out with the happy face. Oh, John only lost a leg last night.
Yeah I am home today because I had a dining room set delivery coming, and I found out that I get much less stress at work. What a bunch of horseshit is on the airwaves during the day. It is as if you had 500 Damo's each shoveling it as fast as they can.

You were on vacation today?

Because that is what we call it now when people work from home. Its really vacation. Make sure you let your boss know.

It's interesting that McCain "suspended" his campaign yet his commercials are still running, his campaign offices are all up and running, his campaign operatives are all over TV and McCain himself is appearing on all three networks tonight after appearing on ABC(?) yesterday after "suspending" his campaign.

Anyone know what he actually "suspended?"
I'm not saying they won't try it. To reference a popular blogger, it's a classic Lucy with football move and the Democrats are Charlie Brown. If history is any guide that's exactly what the Republicans will do and the Democrats will fall for it.

ROFLMAO... that is probably the best analogy I have heard in a long time. "The Dems are Charlie Brown".... seriously funny shit. Poor Charlie Brown.
It's interesting that McCain "suspended" his campaign yet his commercials are still running, his campaign offices are all up and running, his campaign operatives are all over TV and McCain himself is appearing on all three networks tonight after appearing on ABC(?) yesterday after "suspending" his campaign.

Anyone know what he actually "suspended?"

His and Palins appearances? :)
It's interesting that McCain "suspended" his campaign yet his commercials are still running, his campaign offices are all up and running, his campaign operatives are all over TV and McCain himself is appearing on all three networks tonight after appearing on ABC(?) yesterday after "suspending" his campaign.

Anyone know what he actually "suspended?"

It means him and Palin dont have to talk to anyone for a couple of days.
It means him and Palin dont have to talk to anyone they don't feel like talking to for a couple of days.

I wrote the bolded above and was going to write "fixed" but now that I actually think about it, that's exactly what they've been doing since at least the convention.

Seriously, what has he "suspended?" And why can't he debate Obama yet he has plenty of time to make appearances on the three networks tonight.
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ROFLMAO... that is probably the best analogy I have heard in a long time. "The Dems are Charlie Brown".... seriously funny shit. Poor Charlie Brown.

Lucy strikes again!

House Republicans say they have significant leverage on the revamped bailout package, claiming that Democrats will scramble for votes unless they make changes to it.

Republicans in the lower chamber are balking at the bailout package, saying that Democrats will be solely responsible for the ramifications of what they see as a flawed compromise.

Reps. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) are leading an effort by House Republicans to circulate the set of principles to their colleagues and like-minded Democrats, according to a senior Republican.

Asked whether the effort comes too late, the GOP official said the votes would be leverage enough to have the principles considered by congressional negotiators.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has indicated that a bill will not be brought to the floor without broad Republican support.

GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) and the White House have been made aware of their alternative.

Reps. Cantor, Ryan and Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) discussed the proposal at a press conference Thursday afternoon.

Other Republicans involved in this effort include Reps. Mike Castle (Del.), Judy Biggert (Ill.) and Spencer Bachus (Ala.), who is the ranking member of the Financial Services Committee.

During a meeting of the Republican Conference on Thursday, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) made it clear that, although Democrats have announced they have brokered a deal, House Republicans would not be a part of it.

“As I told our conference this morning, there is no bipartisan deal at this time,” Boehner said. “There may be a deal among some Democrats, but House Republicans are not a part of it.”

The GOP’s “economic rescue principles” advocate adopting a mortgage insurance approach to solve the financial problems facing the country, according to a fact sheet obtained by The Hill.

Roughly half of all mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are insured by the government, and House Republicans have advocated that the other half also become insured by the Treasury Department.

“We can ensure the rest of the current outstanding MBS; however, rather than the taxpayers funding insurance, the owners of these assets should pay for it,” the fact sheet says.

The Republican proposal backs the removal of regulatory and tax barriers to help facilitate the use of private capital to produce liquidity; temporary tax relief provision to help companies free up capital; and temporary suspension of dividend payments by financial institutions.

The proposals call for Wall Street executives to “not benefit excessively”; for the creation of a “blue ribbon panel” of officials from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); and for the Federal Reserve to make recommendations for reform of the financial sector by Jan. 1, 2009.

Additionally, they direct the SEC to report to Congress on the ability of credit rating agencies to assess the risks of the failed investment securities and to audit the books of the failed financial institutions so that their standing is accurately portrayed.

The Democrats are blockheads.
Yeah I am home today because I had a dining room set delivery coming, and I found out that I get much less stress at work. What a bunch of horseshit is on the airwaves during the day. It is as if you had 500 Damo's each shoveling it as fast as they can.

hahahahahahahahahaha! oh my gosh darla, you just decribed my life every day of the week!!!!! i nearly destroy my tv, several times during the day i want to just put the vacuume ckeaner threw it!

i was just sooooo much happier before my awakening and introduction to politics 24/7!!!

anyway, bet this is about palin...not being ready for her debate, too close to her recent interviews...couric etc... which she appeared weak....mccain is trying to put her debate off by moving his with obama's out a my best guess????
