MCCain 5th from bottom


Villified User
McCain graduaduatd 5th from the bottom of his class at Annapolis.
894th out of 899.

Real presidential material.
Dumb and Ms Dumber, if anyone thinks the republican party has not become a far right sect you only have to look who get through their indoctrination period: the bottom of the class and a VP candidate that couldn't run a hot dog stand.

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.
It could be that he is a dummy. Or it could be that, like many college students, he had other things on his mind.

He was bright enough to pilot jet aircraft. The military tends to weed out the dummies in that indoctrination.

I seem to recall Mccain being the senator most likely to work with the other party for a solution. Something that seems to have been forgotten since this campaign started.
It could be that he is a dummy. Or it could be that, like many college students, he had other things on his mind.

He was bright enough to pilot jet aircraft. The military tends to weed out the dummies in that indoctrination.

I seem to recall Mccain being the senator most likely to work with the other party for a solution. Something that seems to have been forgotten since this campaign started.

You might want to do some research on McCain Sol. It appears only his mommy kept the little spooiled asshole from being kicked out of Annapolis several times. And any other pilot would have lost his wings for flybys and crashes, but when you are the son of THE admiral....
He also obtained an engineering degree from one of the toughest engineering programs in the world. Where did you get your engineering degree?

HaHa, ironic the uneducated trying calling to call someone else out on education.

Go Bucks!
Stupid fucking idiot. Citizen, seriously no one gives a shit about what you have to say. Dude, stop responding to my threads and posts. Please. No one cares about you. If I post please let someone else respond. Dumbass.
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