McCain a "Phony Conservative"


New member
I heard a Political Science Professor yesterday, and he gave a VERY interesting critique of the Candidate's personalities. I though it might be interesting. He said, "After over 40 years of watching Political Candidates, I've seen many interesting personalities, from Ross Perot, to Howard Dean, from Ted Kennedy to Ronald Reagan."

He went on to give synopsises of the current crop:
John McCain: A man who seems humble at times, but in reality has a tremendous ego. A man who jus RECENTLY has given the impression he is a "true Conservative", has voted for many issues, sponsored many bills that anger "Reagan Conservatives". He is not being totally sincere about his views, but McCain is easy to read, he has a LONG voting record, as an Independent Republican. A man who has a leash on his temper, but just barely. A man who ENJOYS thumbing his nose at his own Party, for percieved slights, and also for REAL differences in opinion, a man who, above all, likes being referred to as a "maverick", a "Lone Wolf".

Hillary Clinton: Obviously, we already KNOW a great deal about Mrs. Clinton, her genuine affection and CARE, about children's and women's issues, and of course, Health Care. She is Determined to get Universal Health Care to ALL Americans, whatever it takes, and sees it as her legacy. She is not the gifted Natural Politician that her husband is, because she is not as adept at obfuscation and "triangulation", but she IS as good at attack on her enemies, and does NOT give up.

Barack Obama- This man is a newcomer, so we don't know as much about him as the others, but we are learning more and more, as time goes by, especially in the last month. A very intelligent man, married to an intelligent woman. Mr. Obama decided to enter Public Life in the tough world of Chicago Politics. He has, at the core of his beliefs, a Marxist/Socialist Agenda. It can be seen in his choice for a Wife, in his choice for a Pastor, in his Education, in his choice for Freinds, Weathermen Terrorists William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, and Palestinian Terrorist sympathizer Rashid Khalidi. At the Heart of his Beliefs is Anti-Capitalism, a belief that America's past mistakes far outweigh the Good we have done since our inception, also a Sympathy and Agreement with many of America's worst enemies, and their hatred of our culture and system. I really couldn't say, what a Govt. uner Barack Obama would be like, or become.

WOW! This guy knows these people like a family member! It was said he did a year's worth of research, for a book, "American Politics in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries"
I just don't get it, I REALLY wish one of you could explain it to me. I KNOW that NONE of these people are Ideal candidates.
But don't you SEE, that "one of them is different from the rest", like that sond and chlildren's game on Sesame Street? Where they showed you two pieces of fruit, and then a lamb chop?
Do you think Hillary Clinton, (definitely not MY first choice for Pres.) whatever her faults, would ALLOW HERSELF TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED, MAKING A CAMPAIGN PHONE CALL, WITH A POSTER OF CHE' GUEVARA IN THE BACKGROUND? I mean, forget about Black or White, get REAL, you don't have to be a PoliSci Professor to know that THIS guy is VERY far from Red White and Blue! Do you not see how INSANE the thought of this guy as PRESIDENT is?
NOT too biased!

Hey, anyone know whats the best powder for athliets foot?
oKay thanks. I will. It is just burning real bad and I cant seem to get rid of it. I even quit going to the Gym.
Never had athletes foot. according to the commercials Tough actin Tinactin is good. So says the ace hardware guy.
Well according to top he is the only man here man enough to get it. Everyone else is either gay, or “worse”, metrosexual. In fact, now that I think about it, we might have stumbled upon the one thing top actually has some knowledge about. Athletes foot.
I tried Gold Bond... Maybe Ill use a spray next.
Sprays suck. Use the powder. Gold Bond isn't anti-fungal.

Put the powder in your socks and in your shoes when you put them on, and do it again at night when you are going to bed (in your socks).
Well according to top he is the only man here man enough to get it. Everyone else is either gay, or “worse”, metrosexual. In fact, now that I think about it, we might have stumbled upon the one thing top actually has some knowledge about. Athletes foot.

I was out with about 10 people from my office for dinner recently. There were two girls sitting nearby at the bar that were attractive. I was going to say something to them but my boss wanted to send them a note on my behalf which he didn't let me see. The waitress delivered it and I could see the girls laugh and shake their head no.

My freakin boss wrote "how would you ladies like to meet a metrosexual from Los Angeles...". What an *sshole! He might as well have said I was gay. Everyone at the table thought it was hilarious. Not that the girls would have necessarily been interested in me anyway but that note guaranteed no shot.
I was out with about 10 people from my office for dinner recently. There were two girls sitting nearby at the bar that were attractive. I was going to say something to them but my boss wanted to send them a note on my behalf which he didn't let me see. The waitress delivered it and I could see the girls laugh and shake their head no.

My freakin boss wrote "how would you ladies like to meet a metrosexual from Los Angeles...". What an *sshole! He might as well have said I was gay. Everyone at the table thought it was hilarious. Not that the girls would have necessarily been interested in me anyway but that note guaranteed no shot.

Um, I don’t think that’s true. I was in a relationship with a metrosexual (assuming this means a good dresser, manicures, well-groomed) for years. But my bf now is definitely the opposite. When you’re really into someone you can find either hot. It’s a non-issue. Unless of course, one of the girls was Topper?
OK Jarod. I am in no way an athlete. I don't work out but I walk about 4 miles a day at work and even more when it is hunting season. I use Lotramin AF spray every day. It is as ritualistic for me as is putting on deoderant. It works as far as keeping the itch away as well as the stink. OK, now everyone in internet land knows that leaningright has stinky feet if he doesn't use his Lotramin.

This stuff works:

Use only the cream and the powder, I'm not kidding the sprays suck to get rid of the athlete's foot. Put the cream directly on the affected area, then put the powder in your socks and shoes. Put the powder in your socks and sleep with them on too...