McCain and Obama Split on Justices’ Guantánamo Ruling


The Force is With Me
Clear distinctions, clear choices, that's how I like elections .. and the distinctions in this election could not be more clear.

excerpts --

"The presidential candidates took differing positions Thursday on the Supreme Court decision granting foreign terrorism suspects at Guantánamo Bay a right to challenge their detention in civilian courts. Senator John McCain expressed concern about the ruling, while Senator Barack Obama lauded it."

"Mr. McCain said here Thursday morning that he had not had time to read the decision but that “it obviously concerns me,” adding, “These are unlawful combatants; they’re not American citizens.”

"Mr. Obama issued a statement calling the decision “a rejection of the Bush administration’s attempt to create a legal black hole at Guantánamo” that he said was “yet another failed policy supported by John McCain.”

"Mr. McCain, who was held for more than five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, was one of the chief Senate architects of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which denied detainees a right to challenge their status in civilian courts."
McCain is upping his rhetoric today:

At a town hall meeting in Pemberton, N.J., McCain called it "one of the worst decisions in the history of this country."

Apparently, allowing individuals detained by the United States government without charges for an indefinite period who were transported to a naval base on Cuba for the purpose of attempting to skirt constitutional requirements to have a court review the legality of their detention is akin to deciding that black folks are property, not people.
McCain is upping his rhetoric today:

Apparently, allowing individuals detained by the United States government without charges for an indefinite period who were transported to a naval base on Cuba for the purpose of attempting to skirt constitutional requirements to have a court review the legality of their detention is akin to deciding that black folks are property, not people.

He's drifting further to the right to appease the lunatics there.

Next he'll be calling for them to be waterboarded.

Roberts, who he cites, is a raving lunatic and should have never been confirmed.