McCain Article


Well-known member
I had Dungheap in mind after I read this but for those who feel McCain = Bush try to find Wednesday's Financial Times and the op-ed McCain wrote. I'm not trying to say it was good or bad but read it and then try and picture Bush saying it.
I had Dungheap in mind after I read this but for those who feel McCain = Bush try to find Wednesday's Financial Times and the op-ed McCain wrote. I'm not trying to say it was good or bad but read it and then try and picture Bush saying it.

got a link?
Cawacko this all sounds very much like th kind of things Bush said when running for his first term.

I used to admire McCain because he would speak out when he saw the R party blowing it. He now goes along to get along. I just ant trust him to believe what he says anymore.
I had Dungheap in mind after I read this but for those who feel McCain = Bush try to find Wednesday's Financial Times and the op-ed McCain wrote. I'm not trying to say it was good or bad but read it and then try and picture Bush saying it.

Bush gives speeches like that all the time. The "humble" foreign policy, the noble spread of democracy, the building of strong alliances.

I wouldn't read too much into it. I would judge McCain on his actions. His continued support of the Iraq war and his saber rattling vis a vis Iran are freaking a lot of people out in the world.
My bad, my bad. Someone cut it out of the paper and gave it to me. I didn't know I could find it on the web.

America Must Be a Good Role Model

A good article.... but McCain = Bush.... we cannot allow anyone to distort the idiocy of the lefts new chant....

and side note... pac 10 sucks.... how many wins they got in the tourney?

Big East 4-0, on the way to 5-0 as Gtown has a big lead right now...
Fuck John Mccain and his new world order bullshit.

1. he doesn't respect freedom and democracy, not if he wants to keep dealing with chinese authoritarians and looking the other way when they commit heinous crimes against freedom.

2. Fuck his mutual respect, because he has none.

3.Greenhouse gases as a cause of global warming is a lie so elites can regulate every chemical process on earth.

He can go eat shit as far as I'm concerned.
Bush gives speeches like that all the time. The "humble" foreign policy, the noble spread of democracy, the building of strong alliances.

I wouldn't read too much into it. I would judge McCain on his actions. His continued support of the Iraq war and his saber rattling vis a vis Iran are freaking a lot of people out in the world.

Well Dunheap wanted an example of McCain's rhetoric being different. I provided it.

As far as politicians they should be judged on their actions and not their rhetoric. We don't know how any of these people will be as President until they are in office. Hence politicians claiming they would or would not have voted one way on something while not in office carries little weight.
A good article.... but McCain = Bush.... we cannot allow anyone to distort the idiocy of the lefts new chant....

and side note... pac 10 sucks.... how many wins they got in the tourney?

Big East 4-0, on the way to 5-0 as Gtown has a big lead right now...

Fuck Off!

I am still ready to jump off the Golden Gate over USC's loss. I could not believe it. I am so pissed!
"This is not idealism. It is the truest form of realism. It is the democracies of the world that will provide the pillars upon which we can and must build an enduring peace."

Definitely quotable.
Fuck Off!

I am still ready to jump off the Golden Gate over USC's loss. I could not believe it. I am so pissed!

Beasley is a beast. Tough to defend.... and he is only one of 7 Freshmen that play a lot for K state.... and just in case you are wondering... yes, I picked KState to burst the Trojans bubble...
"This is not idealism. It is the truest form of realism. It is the democracies of the world that will provide the pillars upon which we can and must build an enduring peace."

Definitely quotable.

Definitely a bunch of bullshit as well. These democracies are fronts for fascism.
Beasley is a beast. Tough to defend.... and he is only one of 7 Freshmen that play a lot for K state.... and just in case you are wondering... yes, I picked KState to burst the Trojans bubble...

I had them in the final four. Wait to go Cawacko. Blow my bracket on the first day.

Did you see the end of the San Diego - UConn game???
Hmm was in posted in US papers ?
This looks to be a british publication.

Seems like closing gitmo and not torturing would lose him votes over here. Of course that depends on your definition of torture I suppose...
We need to listen to the views and respect the collective will of our democratic allies. When we believe that international action is necessary, whether military, economic or diplomatic, we will try to persuade our friends that we are right. But we, in return, must also be willing to be persuaded by them.

This guy is saying he will sell us out. We can TRY to persuade, but in return, we must BE PERSUADED. He's an anti-american internationalist fascist wrapping himself our flag. He disgusts me.