McCain - Gore Voter


This is a fabulous story. It's completely meaningless and will not affect the life of one American voter...which means it will probably be a smash-hit with our lovely press corp.

Apparently, Mr. McCain and his wife were sitting next to Arianna Huffington at a dinner party back in 2000, and both confided in her that they did not vote for W. It's tres tacky of Ms. Huffington to repeat this of course, but she is nothing if not that, and who told him to sit next to her anyway?

Now McCain is denying it, just as he denies everything, though sadly his credibility is starting to get tarnished because he has even denied saying things that he is on videotape saying. Since this is meaningless shit it might actually piss off right wingers, who are obsessed with the trivia of meaningless shit, and are probably now wondering, well if he didn't vote for W, who did he vote for? Not AL GORE!? Or, as our resident wit, SF, might say, Al Bore (hahhaha, gee that cracks me up every millionith time I hear it).

"Update: Through a spokesperson with the colorful name Tucker Bounds, McCain has denied telling me he didn't vote for Bush in 2000. "It's not true," Bounds told the Washington Post, "and I ask you to consider the source."

My sentiments exactly -- because John McCain has a long history of issuing heartfelt denials of things that were actually true.

He denied ever talking with John Kerry about his leaving the GOP to be Kerry's '04 running mate -- then later admitted he had, insisting: "Everybody knows that I had a conversation."

He denied admitting that he didn't know much about economics, even though he'd said exactly that to the Wall Street Journal. And the Boston Globe. And the Baltimore Sun.

He denied ever having asked for a budget earmark for Arizona, even though he had. On the record.

He denied that he'd ever had a meeting with comely lobbyist Vicki Iseman and her client Lowell Paxon, even though he had. And had admitted it in a legal deposition.

And those are just the outright denials. He's also repeatedly tried to spin away statements he regretted making (see: 100-year war, Iraq was a war for oil, etc.).

So, yes, by all means, "consider the source."

Original Post: At a dinner party in Los Angeles not long after the 2000 election, I was talking to a man and his wife, both prominent Republicans. The conversation soon turned to the new president. "I didn't vote for George Bush" the man confessed. "I didn't either," his wife added. Their names: John and Cindy McCain (Cindy told me she had cast a write-in vote for her husband).

The fact that this man was so angry at what George Bush had done to him, and at what Bush represented for their party, that he did not even vote for him in 2000 shows just how far he has fallen since then in his hunger for the presidency. By abandoning his core principles and embracing Bush -- both literally and metaphorically -- he has morphed into an older and crankier version of the man he couldn't stomach voting for in 2000.
McGoldwater has taken both sides of every issue and this comes as no surprise.

He will be easy .. double-digit easy.
ahh but the suprise will come in late summer/early fall. What will it be ? A suprise :)
But count on it coming.
This one is so easy to believe.

It must have been sooooo hard for McCain to cozy up to Bush these past few years; you can see it in the awkwardness of their appearances together, but I have no doubt he hates the guy.

And I agree with BAC; McCain is easy pickins....
I truely belive when they are on a stage together America will see that McSame cant hold a candle to Senator Obama.

Old and Short v. Tall and young. Sad that it comes to that, but never overestimate the American voter!

Simular to Dole v. Clinton.
Clearly he was a Gore voter. He is not an idiot. McCain is a reasonable person, not the best canidate for the job, but a reasonable person.