McCain hints that money that paid for the Infomercial was corrupt money.


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Because NO ONE is required to report WHO donates money under 200 dollars it is all questionable according to McCain. Just saw him saying so on TV on MSNBC. More crying from the Republicans about Democrats with Money.
It does leave open a large "loophole" that somebody could exploit (and no Darla I'm not saying that Obama did) where they could get foreign sources, etc to donate through that means. Using names of supporters they could donate $200 a pop without ever getting outted...
It does leave open a large "loophole" that somebody could exploit (and no Darla I'm not saying that Obama did) where they could get foreign sources, etc to donate through that means. Using names of supporters they could donate $200 a pop without ever getting outted...
And was your party worried about it when Bush was raising massive amounts of cash? No. Like I said, it is only corrupt when YOU (not you personally Damo) can't raise it. The Dems have whined about the money advantage for decades until Obama figured out how to make it work.
And was your party worried about it when Bush was raising massive amounts of cash? No. Like I said, it is only corrupt when YOU (not you personally Damo) can't raise it. The Dems have whined about the money advantage for decades until Obama figured out how to make it work.
It just goes to show that money really is "freedom of speech" in those circles.
It just goes to show that money really is "freedom of speech" in those circles.
I agree. And this time around the use of the internet to raise money was really well used. Paul started it and I think Obama looked at what Paul did and tried to copy it to some success.
I agree. And this time around the use of the internet to raise money was really well used. Paul started it and I think Obama looked at what Paul did and tried to copy it to some success.

Paul? Dean was really the guy that started it and Obama took what Dean did and built off of it turning online grassroots support into the most effective fundraising operation ever. Of course McCain is bitching about it, what else is he supposed to do?
Because NO ONE is required to report WHO donates money under 200 dollars it is all questionable according to McCain. Just saw him saying so on TV on MSNBC. More crying from the Republicans about Democrats with Money.

Sorry...I have a lot of respect for Senator McCain.....but I can hear the smallest fiddle in the world playing "My heart pumps piss for you!"

This is the first time in anyones living memory that a Democratic candidate for President has had more money than his Republican counterpart. Even JFK has less money in his campaign than Nixon did.
I recall when Jeb Bush ran for Guv of FL a bunch of his contributions came from out of state. hmmm. Not illegal but hmmm

I believe state level offices should be restricted to in state contributions.