McCain hire Micheal Goldfarb

And you say I say nonsense CAW.

She says this guy is hired by McCain but makes no mention of for what position or anything.

And then a "flaming neo-con"? Have you heard anyone on this board use the term 'flaming' to descibe someone? like a flaming liberal or a flaming conservative? I haven't. And I don't know the word flaming is used elsewhere in the country but in San Francisco it means you are VERY gay.

Now its possible she didn't mean to use it as gay. But neo-cons are new conservatives, usually Jewish. I'm not making an out of the realm leap to think she meant a gay Jew.
She says this guy is hired by McCain but makes no mention of for what position or anything.

And then a "flaming neo-con"? Have you heard anyone on this board use the term 'flaming' to descibe someone? like a flaming liberal or a flaming conservative? I haven't. And I don't know the word flaming is used elsewhere in the country but in San Francisco it means you are VERY gay.

Now its possible she didn't mean to use it as gay. But neo-cons are new conservatives, usually Jewish. I'm not making an out of the realm leap to think she meant a gay Jew.

"Flaming" also implies "over-the-top" or "hyper" .. thus a flaming neocon would be considered an over-the-top or hyper-neocon .. which Goldfarb certainly appears to be.

They Need More White People
By Micheal Goldfarb

The Tartan, Carnegie Mellon's student newspaper, reports on a campaign event featuring Michelle Obama:

While the crowd was indeed diverse, some students at the event questioned the practices of Mrs. Obama’s event coordinators, who handpicked the crowd sitting behind Mrs. Obama. The Tartan’s correspondents observed one event coordinator say to another, “Get me more white people, we need more white people.” To an Asian girl sitting in the back row, one coordinator said, “We’re moving you, sorry. It’s going to look so pretty, though.”

“I didn’t know they would say, ‘We need a white person here,’ ” said attendee and senior psychology major Shayna Watson, who sat in the crowd behind Mrs. Obama. “I understood they would want a show of diversity, but to pick up people and to reseat them, I didn’t know it would be so outright.”

The Obama campaign discriminates against people of color, and their own supporters no less, in what is presumably a misguided pander to white voters. Very strange, but perhaps Obama's candidacy really has transcended race in America (surely this is a first). Alternatively, the campaign may just plan to stage-manage it out of public view.

Could it possibly be news to Mr. Goldfarb, who is jewish by the way, that politicians stage the backdrop to their events .. including people behind the candidate?

McCain staged his speech yesterday with the one black person that appeared to be in the audience.
"Flaming" also implies "over-the-top" or "hyper" .. thus a flaming neocon would be considered an over-the-top or hyper-neocon .. which Goldfarb certainly appears to be.

They Need More White People
By Micheal Goldfarb

The Tartan, Carnegie Mellon's student newspaper, reports on a campaign event featuring Michelle Obama:

While the crowd was indeed diverse, some students at the event questioned the practices of Mrs. Obama’s event coordinators, who handpicked the crowd sitting behind Mrs. Obama. The Tartan’s correspondents observed one event coordinator say to another, “Get me more white people, we need more white people.” To an Asian girl sitting in the back row, one coordinator said, “We’re moving you, sorry. It’s going to look so pretty, though.”

“I didn’t know they would say, ‘We need a white person here,’ ” said attendee and senior psychology major Shayna Watson, who sat in the crowd behind Mrs. Obama. “I understood they would want a show of diversity, but to pick up people and to reseat them, I didn’t know it would be so outright.”

The Obama campaign discriminates against people of color, and their own supporters no less, in what is presumably a misguided pander to white voters. Very strange, but perhaps Obama's candidacy really has transcended race in America (surely this is a first). Alternatively, the campaign may just plan to stage-manage it out of public view.

Could it possibly be news to Mr. Goldfarb, who is jewish by the way, that politicians stage the backdrop to their events .. including people behind the candidate?

McCain staged his speech yesterday with the one black person that appeared to be in the audience.

And I have noted that Hillary always, always, has a couple of black people standing right over her shoulder, in full view of the camera when she speaks.
She says this guy is hired by McCain but makes no mention of for what position or anything.

And then a "flaming neo-con"? Have you heard anyone on this board use the term 'flaming' to descibe someone? like a flaming liberal or a flaming conservative? I haven't. And I don't know the word flaming is used elsewhere in the country but in San Francisco it means you are VERY gay.

Now its possible she didn't mean to use it as gay. But neo-cons are new conservatives, usually Jewish. I'm not making an out of the realm leap to think she meant a gay Jew.

Yes, Superfreak refers to you as a flaming trojan all of the time
And I have noted that Hillary always, always, has a couple of black people standing right over her shoulder, in full view of the camera when she speaks.

Absolutely she does as clearly evident yesterday.

I recognized the staging so I panned the crowd to see how many other blacks were in the audience. There were some, not many, but the staging was obvious.

The article by flaming over-the-top hyper-neocon Goldfarb was written to pander to the stupid .. and given that he writes for the Weekly Standard, that included just about everybody who reguarly reads that bullshit.
Black, that article was suppose to show that he's flaming? I said he was a Jew originally. Neo-cons are Jews.
wow, maybe I was too hard on Gumby yesterday. Apparently everyone in CA uses the "your gay" comment as an attempt at an "insult". I think there is a creativity shortage in California these days.

oops.... I used "hard on" and "Gumby" in the same sentence.... that is sure to get the little leg humper excited. Next thing you know, he will be on here calling me gay again. :eek:
James Joyner * Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Yesterday’s announcement that Weekly Standard blogger Michael Goldfarb is taking a leave of absence “to serve as deputy communications director of the McCain campaign” has been greeted with surprising interest from bloggers across the political spectrum. Just sampling those in my RSS reader:

Radley Balko points out that “Goldfarb has written (falsely, by any reasonable reading of the Constitution, Federalist Papers, or diaries of the Constitutional Convention) that the founders believed the president should have “near dictatorial” powers when it comes to war and foreign policy.”
Matt Yglesias: “Some folks take comfort in the fact that up until 1998-99 or so McCain had reasonably reasonable views about foreign policy, but he’s been way out in crazy-land for years now and all indications are that his administration will be staffed by neocons too fanatical or dim-witted to have served in the Bush administration and been discredited.”
Andrew Sullivan: “Uh-oh.” (I’d say “Read the whole thing” but, alas, you just did.)
Glenn Greenwald cites some Goldfarb posts he disagrees with and adds, “Does one even need to point out that there are few things more incompatible with one another than “straight talk” and The Weekly Standard?”
Steve Benen mentions without comment in a “Campaign Roundup.”
Ditto Laura Rosen.
John Schwenkler, new at PoMoCo, has a long rant about how this proves McCain=Bush and closes, “[The thought that] Mr. Goldfarb might resurface in the more appropriately water-carrying role of Press Secretary to a (shudder) President McCain ought to be enough to turn one’s vote elsewhere.”
Black, that article was suppose to show that he's flaming? I said he was a Jew originally. Neo-cons are Jews.

It is one of many evidences that Goldfarb is over-the-top .. including "The Upside of Global Warming" .. the title alone sends shivers .. "Ahmad"s War" .. and a litany of right wing "thought."

With a name like Goldfarb, it wasn't hard to determine he was jewish .. the rest requires a bit of digging.

And yes, neocons are jewish.

As to why he was hired ...

McCain hires Weekly Standard staffer

Michael Goldfarb, online guru at the Weekly Standard, has taken a leave of absence from his post at the magazine to become deputy communications director for McCain.

Standard chief Bill Kristol announced the move on their blog.

In his new role, Goldfarb will use his grasp of the rightosphere to help drive the McCain message online and will also lend a hand in writing campaign materials. He'll focus especially on the rapid response element of a campaign that is already being fought hour by hour.

A source at the magazine said that when Goldfarb announced his move at a staff meeting, Kristol joked that the conservative writer was being "detailed" to the McCain campaign.
It is one of many evidences that Goldfarb is over-the-top .. including "The Upside of Global Warming" .. the title alone sends shivers .. "Ahmad"s War" .. and a litany of right wing "thought."

With a name like Goldfarb, it wasn't hard to determine he was jewish .. the rest requires a bit of digging.

And yes, neocons are jewish.

As to why he was hired ...

McCain hires Weekly Standard staffer

Michael Goldfarb, online guru at the Weekly Standard, has taken a leave of absence from his post at the magazine to become deputy communications director for McCain.

Standard chief Bill Kristol announced the move on their blog.

In his new role, Goldfarb will use his grasp of the rightosphere to help drive the McCain message online and will also lend a hand in writing campaign materials. He'll focus especially on the rapid response element of a campaign that is already being fought hour by hour.

A source at the magazine said that when Goldfarb announced his move at a staff meeting, Kristol joked that the conservative writer was being "detailed" to the McCain campaign.

He's the deputy communications director or some such thing.

Fer Christ's sake, you got google aintcha? Use it.

Yo, I was on a freakin crackberry all afternoon. Not that easy to walk and google. It's also not that hard to post the link where you read about this guy to the original post. And how do I know she didn't mean McCain hired this guy to help your mom? Or more than likely it was probably to help Superfreak's mom since her son is going to hell for not believing God is a Trojan.
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Yo, I was on a freakin crackberry all afternoon. Not that easy to walk and google. It's also not that hard to post the link where you read about this guy to the original post. And how do I know she didn't mean McCain hired this guy to help or mom? Or more than likely it was probably to help Superfreak's mom since her son is going to hell for not believing God is a Trojan.

From Gods own mouth he doesn't like the wussy lil puss ten. I have no control over the almighty's words.
