McCain misspeaks again.


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MSNBC showed quotes by McCain saying that the Iraqi government was successful against the Al Sadr Militia because it was Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr that asked for the cease fire and the last time McCain checked it was not the prevailing side that asked for a ceasefire. Well guess what? It was actually members of the Maliki government that went to IRAN (shock and awe, they sought the assistance of Iran. Don't they know they are not supposed to do that?) and it was Iran that pressured Al Sadr to tell his fighters to stand down. Without Iranian pressure he was not ready to do so. So it was the Maliki government that sought the ceasefire. Wonder if they were embarassed by how poorly they were doing in the face of militia fighting? This is JUST FUCKING GREAT. We are the liberators, we are the ones that helped them and our soldiers died for them and they seek IRANIAN help to pressure al Sadr to stop fighting. Is the what 4000 US soldiers died for? Did they die so that Iran could have MORE influence in Iraq? Just one more indication that Mission Accomplished was spoked a bit to soon.
This guys needs to have a full physical, especially a brain scan. I think he shows the early signs of dementia. It will be another Reagan administration.
McSame shit all over again.

Lies about things like this are the worst kind of lies you can tell.

The lives of our troops mean nothing to this shit hole.