McCain oittle problem



The paper also reported that the McCains, sometimes accompanied by their daughter and baby-sitter, had made at least nine trips at Keating's expense, sometimes aboard the American Continental jet. Three of the trips were made during vacations to Keating's opulent Bahamas retreat at Cat Cay.

McCain also did not pay Keating for some of the trips until years after they were taken, after he learned that Keating was in trouble over Lincoln. Total cost: $13,433.

When the story broke, McCain did nothing to help himself.

"You're a liar," McCain said when a Republic reporter asked him about the business relationship between his wife and Keating.

"That's the spouse's involvement, you idiot," McCain said later in the same conversation. "You do understand English, don't you?"

He also belittled reporters when they asked about his wife's ties to Keating.

"It's up to you to find that out, kids."

The paper ran the story.
He lied about not knowing about his wifes drug problem for possibly years, he lies to a reporter and calls him a liar about ties of his wife and Keating. The guy has an integrity problem.
" Bennett, who was the special investigator during the Keating Five scandal that The Times revisited in the article, said that he fully investigated McCain back then and suggested to the Senate Ethics Committee to not pursue charges against McCain because of "no evidence against him.""

The Senate Ethics committee agreed that McCain had done nothing wrong, but did state that he had exercised poor judgement.

Lastly, since you Dems seem fixated on bringing the dead Keating issue up again, lets talk about how the other four of the Keating five were all DEMS.

DEMS 4 times as likely to be corrupt.... The Senate Ethics committee said of three of the DEMS.... "the Senate Ethics Committee determined in 1991 that Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, and Donald Riegle had substantially and improperly interfered with the FHLBB in its investigation of Lincoln Savings"

Oh surprize ,suprize that the republican would think McCain who was closest to Keating of these guys (lived in the same state ,vactioned with him for free, did business with his wife) would just need a slap on the hand.

Surprise surprise, Desh spouts off about a topic she clearly doesn't understand. DeConcini was ALSO from AZ. He was the Senior Senator from that state. He was found to have been the one that set up the meetings with Keating. He was one of THREE DEMS that the Ethics committee stated...."that Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, and Donald Riegle had substantially and improperly interfered with the FHLBB in its investigation of Lincoln Savings"

They did NOT say the same about McCain or Glenn.

So your "McCain was the closest" is nothing more than a little pipe dream of yours.

Keating is Dead and continuing to bring it up when the DEMOCRATIC controlled senate ethics committee cleared him appears to be nothing that a desperate attempt to throw old mud, which is now dust, on someone that was cleared as was Glenn a dem.
His wife states it lead to her drug problem in which she stole medications for her nonprofit and forged peoples names on prescriptions and Dr shopped.
Oh and BTW, her parents held an intervention for her in 1992 and McCain has been quoted as saying he did not know about her drug problem until 1994.

weird that
Ya know what boys and girls............

I really don't give a rats ass about scandals,how we treat terrorists,gay weirdos wanting to get married,or any other BS that really does not effect my life...what I want to see is lower fuel,housing,transportation,food,utliities,health care,insurance ya know like 'Happy Days' when a buck was worth a buck..and everyone could live a decent life...we have improved on technology but regressed on basic living matters...whats wrong with this picture...well let me tell you... 'Wall Street Speculators'...Greed pure Greed has etched it's way into society, everyone wants a piece of the action and the hell with your neighbor!

Is this what my parents fought for along with my brothers and our future generations...the right to get screwed on basic living needs!...If this is the case then I, my parents and grandparents fought the wrong battle!
good thing you voted for Bush who gave you this great economy and an endless war huh?

If this was Mrs Obama you would be drooling
Bush,nor the war............

good thing you voted for Bush who gave you this great economy and an endless war huh?

If this was Mrs Obama you would be drooling

is the problem....'Wall Street' is my issue...and it is manned by all parties...dems, repubs,ind and any other party you would like to call them..and Obama the commie is not the solution!
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No desh................

you are a brainwashed twit

you and toppy and quite a few others on this board are the brainwashed 'Twits'...the 'Wall Street' crowd says everything is cool,your side says communism is the cure...both sides are wrong..we need a return to what America was built on hard work,production jobs,low cost of living for the basics...keep excessive profits out of basic needs,keep our jobs at home and all will be well!
good thing you voted for Bush who gave you this great economy and an endless war huh?

If this was Mrs Obama you would be drooling

Well, at least you got that part IS a pretty great economy....