McCain On The Run


John McCain is afraid to face Larry King - he turned tail and ran. How's he going to face know, whomever is the Republican enemy of the week...the new, new Hitler?

Yesterday, Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds appeared on CNN for an interview with Campbell Brown. Brown was tough on Bounds, refusing to let him spout typical campaign talking points. She repeatedly pressed him on Palin’s foreign policy experience and qualifications, asking him to name one decision that she made as commander-in-chief of the Alaskan National Guard. Bounds was unable to do so.

Today, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer revealed that because of that tough interview, the McCain campaign has canceled the senator’s appearance on Larry King Live tonight:

The McCain campaign said it believed that exchange was over the line and as a result the interview scheduled for Larry King Live with Sen. McCain was pulled. CNN does not believe that Campbell’s interview was over the line. We are committed to fair coverage of both sides of this historic election.
They're worried about the testiness factor. I saw Larry King w/ some other GOP'ers the other night, and he was pretty relentless on Palin & her experience (though still pretty tame compared to someone like David Gregory). I think they doubt McCain's ability to sit there and take hard questions for more than a few minutes without losing it.

I had read somewhere that it's a big part of the fall campaign for them - keeping that ol' temper in check.
They're worried about the testiness factor. I saw Larry King w/ some other GOP'ers the other night, and he was pretty relentless on Palin & her experience (though still pretty tame compared to someone like David Gregory). I think they doubt McCain's ability to sit there and take hard questions for more than a few minutes without losing it.

I had read somewhere that it's a big part of the fall campaign for them - keeping that ol' temper in check.

Yeah, I can't wait for him to lose it. He's finally getting something other than lover-like treatment from the media - ie, facing actual questions - and I don't think he can handle it. He's going to blow.
Until this morning I did not know that Palin had been vetted for a TOTAL of 24 hours and Palin had never met McCain and he met with her for only 3 hours. I don't know why I thought this was not a well thought out VP selection
I was very curious as to why he picked her so quickly instead of a Bushie like the mormon or Lieburrman. Maybe this should be in the Conspiracy Theory section but with a Bushie as VP, McCain's days as pres. might be numbered and he knows it. You know, one little banana peel on the steps, a sudden blood clot to the brain or just going to sleep and mysteriously never waking up and WHAM! a neo-con, Bush controlled man in the Whitehouse!
Would Rove and the boys really do this to maintain power? I think so.
I was very curious as to why he picked her so quickly instead of a Bushie like the mormon or Lieburrman. Maybe this should be in the Conspiracy Theory section but with a Bushie as VP, McCain's days as pres. might be numbered and he knows it. You know, one little banana peel on the steps, a sudden blood clot to the brain or just going to sleep and mysteriously never waking up and WHAM! a neo-con, Bush controlled man in the Whitehouse!
Would Rove and the boys really do this to maintain power? I think so.

You're as bad as AssHat.

And Romney is not a Bushie.
Yeah, that’s what you say. But boy, do they love him. He was their man, or as W, the former cheerleader says “rah rah sis boom bah”.

I think Romney is really a secular technocrat who will present any kind of image he thinks he needed.

He presented the image of a liberal Republican in MA, then a conservative Bush-style Republican in the primary. He still seems to be filling that role in preparation for another run, but I honestly just think he would say whatever he needed to.

A poll I was saw showed that just because he Mormon, a majority of respondents believed that he was the most religious candidate. But I actually think he is probably the least religious of either party. Look at Barack Jesus Obama. He can barely get through a speech without mentioning God. And Mike Huckabee was a preacher. Yet somehow, Mitt Romney is perceived as being the most religious.
I think Romney is really a secular technocrat who will present any kind of image he thinks he needed.

He presented the image of a liberal Republican in MA, then a conservative Bush-style Republican in the primary. He still seems to be filling that role in preparation for another run, but I honestly just think he would say whatever he needed to.

A poll I was saw showed that just because he Mormon, a majority of respondents believed that he was the most religious candidate. But I actually think he is probably the least religious of either party. Look at Barack Jesus Obama. He can barely get through a speech without mentioning God. And Mike Huckabee was a preacher. Yet somehow, Mitt Romney is perceived as being the most religious.

I agree with some of that. I don’t think Romney is the most religious candidate, and he is certainly one of the most transparent phonies I’ve ever come across. But, the fact remains that the bushies know him, and he’s their guy, which always gave me a lot of pause. That is one big clan of bullshitters, and you know what they say about bullshitting a bullshitter, so…I wouldn’t want to take the chance on the guy. Not that I’d ever be voting for a Republican anyway. And at this point, I would have to say he’s probably more mentally alert and emotionally stable than McCain.
Romney was my 2nd choice after Paul, followed by Obama in third. Now that McCain has snubbed Romney in favor of the Governor of Bumfuck, my vote for Obama is pretty well sealed.