McCain: Some Good, Some Bad. Overall a better choice.


New member
There seems to be this notion put out over and over by the left that McCain is the embodiment of all evil, he is McSame as Bush, he is now a warmonger and not the guy the left loved prior to 2004.

There are some good things and some bad things about McCain, like most any politician.

Takes a Liberal view on the environment with wanting government action on global warming. (different than Bush)
Iraq warmonger, he was always in favor of more troops though and that is tough to say whether it is worse or better than Bush. Certainly less troops are dying with the surge, but that is just more troops to withdraw and it's costlier.
He is the CFR kingpin which is a gross abuse of freedom of speech and it's costly to taxpayers with public funding for politicians. (Different than Bush)

Has proposed more competition in healthcare and actively wants more of a free market there, whereas Bush just sort of hoped that problems would go away. (Different than Bush)
Opposed the Pill Bill which is the biggest social welfare handout program in decades. (Different than Bush)
Opposed the Repubs really bad idea to eliminate the filibuster. (Different than Bush)
There is no stronger opponent of pork in the senate than McCain and he has always been like that. (Different than Bush)

I could go on but those are the main points. He is a maverick, regardless of this McSame BS and the above shows it by his voting action, I think if there is any politician who is willing to be bold and veto, he's as good as any. Do I like the guy?
Sort of, more than Obama who is far more the same as Gore/Kerry and other past Dems. Wonder why that never gets mentioned...unless someone would care to point out the differences? Sure Obama said he would be against the Iraq war had he voted back then, but do you really know had he been given a vote? It looks to me from the Iraq voting history that any Dem senator either whose seat could be in question in the next election or who harbored presidential ambitions voted for Iraq. The rest did not.
I know you think Obama is going to spend a ton, but at this point, you have to clean house. If McCain gets elected & the Exec branch stays with the GOP, hundreds of lower level Bushies stay in place. The potential for corruption is huge, as is the undue influence on the "maverick" - who has actually shown that he is not difficult to influence. I don't care which party it is; it's generally good to clean house after so many years, especially years that were basically defined by secrecy & corruption.

You're wrong on CFR. Money is not speech; never was, never will be. Money has taken the gov't out of the hands of the people, and put it in the hands of a powerful few. I think just about everyone understands that at this point.
mcsame is too much like bush and will be using too many bush bureaucrats in his administration

oth, he will have to contend with a dem controlled congress

the tilting factor though, is that he will be able to appoint any new supremes

so i reluctantly go with bo
Obama changes the DOJ which has done NOTHING in enforcing civil rights. Obama's EPA will be different, and while I don't have exteme views on the evironment, the clean water act needs to be enforced as does the clean air act. Republicans have shown little regard for science the last 8 years so I want someone that will provide incentives for stem cell research. McCain is more of the same. If he was the real Maverick you pretend him to be he would still have the same views he had in 2000 when your party said he had an illegit black child.
"In the latest edition of Contingencies, a journal of the American Academy of Actuaries, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) makes his case for deregulating the health insurance industry by extolling the benefits of the last decade of deregulation in the banking sector. "Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation," McCain writes. Since the banking industry's collapse this week, the McCain campaign has tried to distance itself from the senator's remarks, claiming that McCain was referring to "policies which allowed Americans to use an ATM anywhere in this country." But McCain's proposal to allow health insurance companies to sell policies across state lines is evidence that the senator supports the same kind of deregulatory polices that created the economic crisis. The latest financial meltdown highlights the dangers of deregulating the health insurance industry and only underscores the sheer impracticality of McCain's proposal. "

McCain, just another neo-con free market profiteer.
I do agree that McCane is a dangerous, gambling, hot-headed maverick though.
mcsame is too much like bush and will be using too many bush bureaucrats in his administration

oth, he will have to contend with a dem controlled congress

the tilting factor though, is that he will be able to appoint any new supremes

so i reluctantly go with bo
I prefer a split government. Congress takes a more active role in oversight, there is 'compromise' on spending that makes spending trend to more responsible territory, and judges.
Yes but McCain can't multi-task, the economy and a foreign policy debate cannot occupy John "Is It Naptime" McCain's brain at the same time. :grin: God this is going to be a fun 24 hours before the debate.
mcsame is too much like bush and will be using too many bush bureaucrats in his administration

oth, he will have to contend with a dem controlled congress

the tilting factor though, is that he will be able to appoint any new supremes

so i reluctantly go with bo

And because of that tilting factor I would reluctantly go with McCain.....but I'm already committed to Cindy.
Yes but McCain can't multi-task, the economy and a foreign policy debate cannot occupy John "Is It Naptime" McCain's brain at the same time. :grin: God this is going to be a fun 24 hours before the debate.
What I will find hilarious is the same people that gave Bush apologists a hard time for the "multi-tasking" excuse when he was reviled for vacations and being someplace other than New Orleans will be the ones using the same thing now.

If the problem really is as bad as people seem to think there is some sense of urgency to get something done before Congress goes off to the all important job of re-election.
What I will find hilarious is the same people that gave Bush apologists a hard time for the "multi-tasking" excuse when he was reviled for vacations and being someplace other than New Orleans will be the ones using the same thing now.

If the problem really is as bad as people seem to think there is some sense of urgency to get something done before Congress goes off to the all important job of re-election.
I was being a smart ass...mostly.