McCain Still Hitting Obama for Being a Rich Celebrity


He put out a new ad today hitting the same simple-minded points he's been hitting lately. Obama's a rich celebrity . . . blah . . . blah . . . blah. I'm not linking to the video, but here is the script:

ANNOUNCER: Celebrities don't have to worry about family budgets, but we sure do.

We're paying more for food and gas, making it harder to save for college, retirement.

Obama's solution? Higher taxes called "a recipe for economic disaster."

He's ready to raise your taxes, but not ready to lead.

JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approved this message.

Is this really the fight that McCain wants to have? Celebrities don't have to worry about budgets? I guess it's all he's got and he's been banking on this line of attack since the first "celebrity" ad, but it seems to me that the ground has shifted a bit since the house-counting controversy.

You have things like this appearing in the papers:

McCain, who has portrayed Obama as an elitist, is the son and grandson of admirals. The Associated Press estimates his wife, a beer heiress, is worth $100 million. Obama was raised by a single mother who relied at times on food stamps, and went to top schools on scholarships and loans. His income has increased from book sales since he spoke at the 2004 Democratic convention.

And then you have stories about McCain spending more money on "the help" than 93% of Americans make in a year. And you also have the McCain's reporting $500,000 in credit card debt notwithstanding their vast wealth. And Cindy saying that their beach-front condo was too crowded with the kids visiting so they just up and bought another one.

While it may have had traction before, it seems these attack ads are going to have diminishing returns from this point out. I suppose that's why they're going to the Rezko/Wright stuff.
Americans are very stupid. McCain will win this election by a squeaker. Maybe Missouri will be the state of questionable voting integrity this time 'round.
Americans are very stupid. McCain will win this election by a squeaker. Maybe Missouri will be the state of questionable voting integrity this time 'round.

I really fear that is going to be the case, but, I still believe that Obama could win.
Obama will win,
but if he doesn't It may very well be the fear of way too many taxes.
I'm confident Barry will through any strategist under the bus that won't deliver the right message.:clink:
Americans are very stupid. McCain will win this election by a squeaker. Maybe Missouri will be the state of questionable voting integrity this time 'round.

Oh, I hope you are wrong, but I at least have Canadian relatives!:cof1:
He put out a new ad today hitting the same simple-minded points he's been hitting lately. Obama's a rich celebrity . . . blah . . . blah . . . blah. I'm not linking to the video, but here is the script:

Is this really the fight that McCain wants to have? Celebrities don't have to worry about budgets? I guess it's all he's got and he's been banking on this line of attack since the first "celebrity" ad, but it seems to me that the ground has shifted a bit since the house-counting controversy.

You have things like this appearing in the papers:

And then you have stories about McCain spending more money on "the help" than 93% of Americans make in a year. And you also have the McCain's reporting $500,000 in credit card debt notwithstanding their vast wealth. And Cindy saying that their beach-front condo was too crowded with the kids visiting so they just up and bought another one.

While it may have had traction before, it seems these attack ads are going to have diminishing returns from this point out. I suppose that's why they're going to the Rezko/Wright stuff.

this is just a variation on the big lie, say it first and big enough and some people will believe it

there is a group of people that still believe that sadham had weapons of mass destruction and sponsored 9/11 even AFTER bush announced that it was not true