McCain: Triskaidekaphobic!


Villified User
McCain: Triskaidekaphobic!

Sen. John McCain is famously superstitious — he won't take a salt shaker from a passer's hand: bad luck — and now those black rituals are permeating his campaign and the people who work for him.

"That's an ugly habit I've picked up myself," said Brooke Buchanan, the senator's national press secretary. "We were in Kansas City last Sunday and someone mentioned winning in November and three of us knocked on wood. We don't want to jinx anything. We're all very superstitious people."

salter-1.pngTop adviser Mark Salter (left) has also been infected. "I grew a beard in 2000 and didn't shave until the campaign was over and I did it this time, too. That's my little superstition. I probably won't shave it until November," he said, adding that he's not sure if McCain "considers it lucky or if he considers it an eyesore.

McCain has a whole slew of superstitions and rituals, many stemming from his days as a Navy fighter pilot, a notoriously superstitious bunch. He won't throw a hat on a bed (bad luck), and he carries a lucky feather, a lucky compass, and a lucky penny — and nickel, and quarter.

"He had so many of them that we had to cut down — it was like a change purse in his pocket," Buchanan said with a laugh. He carries a lucky penny given to him by New Hampshire Union Leader Publisher Joseph W. McQuaid just before McCain pulled off the win there Jan. 8 (the penny was found heads up, of course).
More proof of McCains supersticious beliefs. He went to Inez KY because the last presidential candidate to go there won. Why else would anyone in the world go to Inez, KY ?

armagedon OR superstitions I dont know which one is worse?

Hey McCain also claims to be religious too right?

We may get both lines of fun.
Yeah a bit over 12,000 people in all of that county in KY. A drop of about 2% since 2000 btw. And not all of them vote. But an essential campaign stop no doubt about it.
McCain even says he is not in Inez to get votes.

McCain tells Inez he cares about those in need
By Cassondra Kirby

It was an unlikely setting for Republican presidential hopeful John McCain to campaign in Wednesday: the tiny coal-mining town of Inez, where there are only three stoplights and a few hundred residents and you can count the number of fast-food restaurants on one hand.

But McCain says he was not hunting for votes in the Eastern Kentucky city, where Republicans outnumber Democrats nearly 3 to 1 and where even the Democratic judge-executive supports the likely GOP nominee.