Mccain vrs far


taking a serious look at the two ... their strengths and weaknesses.

Obama...everyone knows his greatest weakness... he's a leftist.. Marxist thumping leftist and he lacks experience. Yet he has been running a terrific campaign.. Amazingly (and thanx to Bush and his Neo's) he Has been able to attract a broad range of supporters...even some who served under Ronald Reagan. I give him a lot of kudos for building a strong coalition. A good President needs to know how to do that.
Also.. the list of Republicans who have not ruled out supporting Obama continues to grow... Chuck Hagel, Mayor Bloomberg, Colin Powell ... and Susan Eisenhower and Rupert Murdoch!!

Wouldnt it be something if Obama chooses Hagel as his running mate? Despite his opposition to Iraq... he had one of the highest Conservative voting records in Congress. I think Obama chooses Sam Nunn... if not as VP he then will be his SS. Nunn pulls him to the center.

Obama's weakness falls in the area of Energy. He needs to stop pandering to the silly left and the Church of We are Doomed... and get serious about becoming energy independent... and that means diggin for more oil along with all the other great new technologies and alternative methods. His only plan seems to center around using less and taxing more.

Mccain's only hope is that we dont get hurricanes in the Gulf region and Oil Prices plummet... he then runs on Experience and National Security.
He needs to run a better campaign than he has… watch the gaffes. He needs to get some big name support … someone other than those who could be linked to Bush.
My question, and the way it was phrased, was the height of good manners. I could have said, "Marxist? What the f**k, you clueless you even have a clue what f**kin' Marxism IS?!!!"

But I didn't....
My question, and the way it was phrased, was the height of good manners. I could have said, "Marxist? What the f**k, you clueless you even have a clue what f**kin' Marxism IS?!!!"

But I didn't....

Your question is what it is... a perfect example of someone who thinks way too highly of him/her other words an elitist asshole. Now dont get me wrong.. there is nothing wrong in thinking highly of ones self .. its when you attempt to do it at the expense of someone else .. thats when it is what it is... an example of an elitist asshole.
Your question is what it is... a perfect example of someone who thinks way too highly of him/her other words an elitist asshole. Now dont get me wrong.. there is nothing wrong in thinking highly of ones self .. its when you attempt to do it at the expense of someone else .. thats when it is what it is... an example of an elitist asshole.

That wasn't a very "polite" critique.

My question had to do with the fact that one of your first comments was that Obama is a Marxist. He is not, so it begged the question...does this person have any idea what Marxism is? You threw it out there casually, and it is quite a definitive way to portray a candidate for President.

Also, "elitist" is lazy, and over-used. It has been rendered meaningless by it's many varied and superfluous uses.
That wasn't a very "polite" critique.

My question had to do with the fact that one of your first comments was that Obama is a Marxist. He is not, so it begged the question...does this person have any idea what Marxism is? You threw it out there casually, and it is quite a definitive way to portray a candidate for President.

Also, "elitist" is lazy, and over-used. It has been rendered meaningless by it's many varied and superfluous uses.

Of course I know what Marxism is... it is the is the political philosophy and practice derived from the work of Groucho, Chico and Harpo Marx. Now.. to ask that question these days.. when it is so easy to google and wiki. This is what I mean about your true motives. It aint working...

So in comparison to Obama..I find him to be very humorous and witty.... and his platform hilarious.

Why dont you add to the post. and comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the Candidates...
I think he was trying to get you to SHOW us and not just TELL us that Obama is a Marxist. Otherwise I can just say McCain...everyone knows his greatest weakness... he's a facist.. Facist thumping righwing authoritarian. And that is everybit as true as your statement.
I think he was trying to get you to SHOW us and not just TELL us that Obama is a Marxist. Otherwise I can just say McCain...everyone knows his greatest weakness... he's a facist.. Facist thumping righwing authoritarian. And that is everybit as true as your statement.

Thanks for explaining that to me... I look up to all of you liberals... because you are all so evolved and progressive ....
FYI Klaatu, there is nothing wrong with being elitist. I spray on a heavy dose of elitism everytime I come onto this board, and it allows the awesomeness that is my peronality to shine through...
FYI Klaatu, there is nothing wrong with being elitist. I spray on a heavy dose of elitism everytime I come onto this board, and it allows the awesomeness that is my peronality to shine through...

Do not expect anything less from a Ron Paul supporter ... ;)