McCain wants Obama to come to Iraq with him

Who gets to set the schedule for such a ridiculous trip.

Are they going to visit Hollywood sets like Saddam's old statue, or do they get to visit the majority of Iraqis who want the US to get the fuck out of their coiuntry?

This is nothing but politricks.
And why should we believe anything the Bush neocon war supporters say ?
Paranoia or learning from burn scars ?
I think it was a smart political move by McCain, because of course Obama's people said no. Say's a lot about the guy who wants to be Commander in Chief.
Yeah some Commander and Chief, can't even take a trip to the troops you'll soon command, see the situation on the ground for yourself, before deciding how to proceed.
Or that he doesn't mistake Bagdagh for Paris.

Or a county fair in Iowa.

He can go willy boy and he will go. He is just not safe having his security handled by the McCain people. Dont forget we have people talking about assinating him on national TV like its a good idea and you people say its nothing.
Or a county fair in Iowa.

He can go willy boy and he will go. He is just not safe having his security handled by the McCain people. Dont forget we have people talking about assinating him on national TV like its a good idea and you people say its nothing.

Obama and McCain have talked about debating at various forums across the country this summer. I wonder if McCain's security is setting those up and Obama's security is not allowed?

Anyone want to start a death pool date for Obama because it is quite obvious someone in the McCain camp is going to murder him?