McCain won

Well maybe McCain might remember how the rpeublican party treated him in the past and turn on them somewhat if he is elected.
There are no (D) Florida Delegates based on today. It was simply a ceremonial election.

Well maybe McCain might remember how the rpeublican party treated him in the past and turn on them somewhat if he is elected.

He's been turning on them for years. Mccain-feingold, illegal immigration, taxes, gang of 14... mccain turning on republicans wont be a new thing.
His support for Immigration Reform was not so far outside the party. Remember, it was a project of Bush's. The Gang of 14 will now be applauded for preserving the fillibuster, now that the GOP recognizes that they will not rule the Senate for time immemorial. Once McCain makes these points clear, he won't seem so alien. McCain-Feingold is the only idiotic things he needs to appologize for in my book, and since it has been demonstrated to be an abject failure (aside from violating the 1st Amendment), he will likely not make that kind of mistake again...
We are in deep deep deep trouble if George W Bush has become the model of Republican policies.

No, but Bush was clearly right on this, as well as McCain. Unlike a lot of fools within my party's ranks, I understand that 20 million people can't simply be deported. Any who are repeat felons, and get incarcerated can easily be deported, and that is what we should focus on. The fence will help stem the flow of illegals, and hopefully in the future the Mexican economy will pick up (I believe its actually currently in ascendency, but I'm not sure where I heard that), which will be vastly more affective.

Furthermore, allowing people to pay a fine and have their status normalized through the process of legal residency will pour some money back into the system and make many of them regular tax payers like the rest of us.

In the past, the govt. just played peek-a-boo with illegals and did nothing except grant them amnesty. Unfortunately a bunch of illiterate fools have taken to calling the reform movement "amnesty" (cleaver) and have prostituted themselves to the status quo.
He spread some lies about Romney just hours before the Florida Primary. Great presidential material. I smell a friend of the Clintons. Great presidential material.

If a dem or McCain gets in, they will sign more irresponsible globalization agreements, we will lose more jobs--income taxes may go down, but it will be replaced with a national health care system--and we will still slide into a poor economy. There is no way thse liberials can run this country without killing us during these volitle economic times. If Romney or Ron Paul do not get in (and they were not my first choice)--say good night folks. It will take almost another decade---but poverty is the goal so we can't ask for more money than a illegal immigrant. Oh yea--we won't have illegal immigrants--just ultra low labor--for the majority.

The only way to beat China slavery--is join them or don't play their game. Sorry to say--but only Romney and Paul have the ability to turn this nation around. The rest will follow suit, and just juggle the books to make it look like "Change" is happening.
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